Search results

  1. K

    Pain- I'm Going In

    Sounds pretty cool. Love the vocals.
  2. K

    Release date?

    I keep hearing April 23rd everywhere but it's late March and an announcement has not been made so I don't know what to think. Sorry for this stupid, stupid thread. :kickass:
  3. K

    Meshuggah: obZen = Leaked

    Don't care if you like or dislike them, just letting people know. It was scheduled to come out in March. :OMG:
  4. K

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Please suggest some bands that sound like Children Of Bodom, specifically the vocals. I've already heard of Wintersun, Norther, Skyfire, Kalmah. New to the forum, sorry if this thread is a fuck up. :kickass: