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  1. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    I'm being cautiously optimistic. At least we don't have to worry about Scott fucking things up more than he already has; and Alvarez has chops, so we'll see. I'm also extremely excited for this. Granted, the marketing campaign could turn out to be better than the actual film... but then, Oz...
  2. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I saw the news probably five minutes after posting that, no joke. :rolleyes:
  3. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Mixed feelings on S4, still reflecting on it. So much promise in its setup and environmental themes, which was a nice echo of Rust's comment in S1 about pipeline slicing up the land like a jigsaw... "whole place is gonna be underwater in thirty years." Then S4 didn't quite deliver on the goods...
  4. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Really wish I could pick up more on the Nostromo influence, haven't seen much of that at all. Maybe in the ice caves... Definitely caught the Dyatlov vibes though, I actually thought of that incident when they discovered the scientists' bodies.
  5. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I'm likewise not smitten with it; I just thought E3 was strong in its pacing and presentation. E4 felt like a letdown afterward. S1 had a remarkable arc and narrative pacing, which ramped up to the robbery fuckup with the Crusaders in E4 and finding Ledoux in E5. After that, E6 was a lull...
  6. Einherjar86

    The GMD Movie Club Thread

    I'm sure most people here haven't heard of the hidden gem Knives Out.
  7. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    This Sunday was the best episode so far of the new TD season, I thought. I'm all in for the horror deep dive. Let's see where this goes.
  8. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread Not sure I'm convinced, but sure. Whatever.
  9. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    It was not the return to form that critics claimed. I'll withhold judgment until I see the rest of the season. Also, that CGI. Woof.
  10. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I can't wait for you to finish the series. Kendall might not be actively malicious, but he's passively malicious. I'm not sure it's better, but it does garner more sympathy somehow (although he's cringey as fuck).
  11. Einherjar86

    The Animation Appreciation Thread

    I just saw the ad for this show yesterday. Looks really cool.
  12. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    Pretty sure they blew their entire budget on Crowe. There weren't even any good scares. Just a bad horror script.
  13. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    I should change my handle to "Cosmic Horror Guy."
  14. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    I found this movie endearing, although I hear you about length. For whatever reason, the run time didn't bother me. I enjoyed the opening frame narrative (which I thought was compelling on its own) and all the metaphysical, paranoid cult stuff. I also really liked the scene when the protagonist...
  15. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    Finally checked out Enys Men. Doesn't deserve to be called horror, but a really good film nonetheless, provided you're into experimental shit. There's virtually no dialogue. The shots of the Cornish isle are wonderful, and the use of a legit disused mining site was a nice touch. I also really...
  16. Einherjar86

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    New Rome dropped, I actually think it's one of his best in a long time:
  17. Einherjar86

    The Official Movie Thread

    Finally watched The Outwaters on Screambox, dir. Robbie Banfitch, found footage horror (maybe ecohorror?). First 45 minutes move slowly from intimate footage of friends/family coming together to film a music video in the Mojave, to gentle but unsettling flourishes of ecohorror (weird atmospheric...
  18. Einherjar86

    The Books/Reading Thread

    I went through an Auster kick years ago, read the New York Trilogy, Leviathan, Moon Palace, and In the Country of Last Things. Enjoyed them all, haven't read any of his more recent material.
  19. Einherjar86

    The Books/Reading Thread

    “When you die it’s the same as if everybody else did too.” Legend.
  20. Einherjar86

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I was disappointed with S2, although it had its moments. My main concerns had to do with what I thought were killer images dangled in S1 that failed to find even a mention in S2, e.g. . I'm not saying I wanted those things resolved or explained (I realize the writers have said they have a...