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  1. madFive

    Imaginareum Review by a Nighwish fan apparently I'm the only one who's been hating Nightwish more and more with each of their last few releases just because of how bad the drums suck?? I know their drummer is capable of playing some really good intricate stuff, but it seems like about 85% of their music he just plays that...
  2. madFive

    Devin Townsend North America Tour Dates (October)

    I've been kicking myself for the last few days since I just realized I missed him along w/ Bodom, Obscura, and Septicflesh here earlier in July. :cry: Hope I get to see any/all of those again some time in the future - sounds like an awesome show. I'm almost tempted to make a road-trip to...
  3. madFive

    Please for the love of GOD, someone enlighten me...

    lol -yeah, I only watched the vid up until they started playing - not about to watch the whole thing from work here. But hey, fashions change - I'm coming to grips with the fact that I have no idea what cool looks like any more - the visuals in the vid may or may not take off as a trend - I...
  4. madFive

    Amorphis - The Beginning of Times

    Thanks for the heads up! I'm pre-ordered for 6/7 release - can't wait for this disk to come in! Btw, I'm not the one who uploaded to YT - just did a quick search since that email link looked a little fishy to me. Hope it's ok posting the link
  5. madFive

    Amorphis - The Beginning of Times

    Arg... want to listen to this new record so bad! Why must it take so long! Looks like amazon pre-order comes out June 7, or I can pay several times the price to get it a week earlier... Gotta go look on youtube to see if there are any other new tracks besides You I Need...
  6. madFive

    Top Bass Vocalists?

    Great thread - I love clean bass vocals! Several here I support, and a few I need to look up. I'll add:
  7. madFive

    RIP Peter Steele

    Oh... man that really sucks!! :( Loved their music, and now I'm really glad I got to see them live at least once. I saw them in Atl with Lacuna Coil on a September 11th; don't remember what year, must have been around '03 or '04.
  8. madFive

    Speaking of bands about to step up to the next level...

    Good stuff! I'll definately have to pick up their existing projects, and looking forward to hearing the new disk w/ fixed vox. :P That intro guitar riff in the OP demo is just spell-binding. :rock:
  9. madFive

    Progressive Rock in 5 Minutes

    :lol: It's true! It is all true. :P That is some really funny stuff! Thx for posting Harvester! :rock:
  10. madFive

    Epic Doom Metal

    Swallow the sun is awesome! I haven't heard the rest of these - will have to look them up. Doom metal has come a loooong way since all the old-school 70's-80's sounding stuff in OP. I didn't start listening to doom 'till the late 90's, and to me doom was just supposed to be really slow...
  11. madFive

    Leaves's Eyes - Njord

    Didn't know they had a new record. Will have to pick it up asap.
  12. madFive

    Cool on Leaves Eyes

    Sweet! Leaves Eyes are great - been listening to them for a while and am very excited to hear they're added to PP XI! Never seen them live, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Not sure what drama I missed over the last few days, but I'm on the side that's glad to see them added! :D
  13. madFive


    Looks like I won't be able to make it... lots of work to catch up on; won't be getting off 'till late. :( Someone be sure to post the set list tomorrow.
  14. madFive


    Not sure if I'll be at this one or not - it's an extremely busy week for me with work, but I'm still trying to clear enough time to make it down.
  15. madFive

    Saviour Machine - latest update

    SM has been one of my favorite bands for the longest time, but I've lost a lot of interest in the last few years due to their prolonged silence. That last video clip from Eric was truly disheartening, but after doing a little more research, I'm still hopeful that he'll pull through and make...
  16. madFive

    Ensiferum - From Afar

    Great record! I've been listening to it off and on since the fest. The last track is just amazing - the first time I heard the ending, I had to re-play the whole song another 3 or 4 times.
  17. madFive

    Plugs... Yes or No?

    I usually always wear those little light-blue-green foamy disposable ones that you get in drug stores. 18-20bd reduction, and they're the most comfortable thing to my ears that I've tried (all the nicer diaphram ones I've tried chafe my ears, and I can't wear them for very long). I almost...
  18. madFive


    :notworthy Such an awesome show! Sabaton was by far the highlight of the weekend for me. I would so love to see them headline sometime in the not-too-distant future. That wardrobe malfunction was pretty hilarious, and the way the singer handled it was just epic. Though you have to wonder where...
  19. madFive

    Pagans Mind = OFF

    Nope, didn't notice at all. I personally liked their set better than what I heard from either of the headliners. Then again, I'd never seen them live before, so not really sure what I missed previously.
  20. madFive

    Prog Power X - The sound engineering was seriously bad :(

    haha - I get the impression OP doesn't go to a lot of metal shows. PP X was in no way shape or form "overly loud" by any metal standards. In fact this was the first concert I've been to in quite some time where I didn't feel a need to wear the earplugs I brought (including previous PP's). Most...