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  1. S

    Are you an Oceans of Sadness fan now?

    You've helped create a fan here. I've gotten The Arrogance of Ignorance and Mirror Palace so far, and though I haven't given AoI a good listen yet, MP has definitely become a favorite CD.
  2. S

    Top 15 cd's of 2009!!!

    Coming in here, the last thing I expected was to see so many people liking The Dear Hunter's new album. I forget how I found out about the band, but I've been listening to it for the past couple months and have been enjoying the shit out of it. Glad to see such love for them here.
  3. S

    Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer's new solo project - Sons of Liberty

    Reading the comments of that article made my head hurt really friggin bad. Ugh, time for an aspirin then bed.
  4. S

    I love bootleggers!

    I think we need to get back to the root of what this thread is all about. Fuck Gerardo Edit: FWIW, This seems to be his YouTube profile. It may be easier to let him directly know what you think about the Circle II Circle bootleg this way.
  5. S

    Metal songs about lost love ?

    Isn't "Mary Anne" more of an "in love with a mutilated corpse" song? :erk:
  6. S

    Metal songs about lost love ?

    I'll throw these out there: Everon - A Day by the Sea, Right Now... Til the End of Time, and May You -- The whole "Fantasma" album is pretty great, tbh. Helloween - A Tale That Wasn't Right Manticora - Loveternaloveternal... Edit: Fantasma is the only Everon album I've heard, but grazing over...
  7. S

    New Orphaned Land release dates and info...

    I don't think that's the Baphomet hand gesture. Jesus is seen in much of the art of him doing the same pose. See the art on Wikipedia of Jesus vs the art of Baphomet I do wonder at who the girl is supposed to portray, however. It's obvious they're being a bit controversial in their portrayal of...
  8. S

    Hulkamania Lives!!

    Why the laugh? He's an amazing musician! :rock:
  9. S

    Progpower Shirts for trade.

    Stealth brag topic. :cool:
  10. S

    Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sensory edition exchange program

    Ha, I was wondering what the disc meant and why it looked so out of place. I didn't even realize the marks spelled anything! Ah well, I'm fine with the disc. Once (not if!) DSO hits it big, first-edition misprints of the album will probably be collectors' items! However, its awesome that you...
  11. S

    ProgPower X Poll on USA Progressive Music

    This! Though if allowed 2 votes, Sabaton would've been a very easy and close second.
  12. S

    Diablo Swing Orchestra's Sing Along Songs

    I feel the same way. I've been listening to their new album pretty much every day since the festival, but going back to listen to "The Butcher's Ballroom" made me realize that I kind of miss that sound. It was a bit more mellow, less vocally intense, and just felt a bit... darker, if that's even...
  13. S

    Did anyone else get sick?

    After reading this thread, I can thankfully say that I'm in this camp. After about 2 days of sore throat and now another 2 of coughing, sneezing, and runny nose, I'm feeling a good bit better. This is what we get for being so social! :kickass:
  14. S

    Virgin Steele...anyone???

    Oh boy... it sounds like I should be glad I missed the year they played ProgPower. I really like what I've heard of them (The House of Atreus Acts 1&2). David DeFeis has his vocal quirks and is easy to parody, but I like his voice and the overall sound of the band, even if it isn't so refined.
  15. S

    D.S.O! WOW!!!

    I hadn't heard of them until the announcement last year, and after listening to Balrog Boogie, I immediately bought their CD and played it non-stop. So I went in really looking forward to them -- I'm the odd one who plunked down the $120 with DSO as a main reason. ... and it was awesome! Really...
  16. S

    16 days til I fly into Atlanta.

    :o ... I'm still remembering from 2003 and didn't realize you'd moved. Haha, anyways, still hope it all goes well for you and you get there in one piece! :)
  17. S

    16 days til I fly into Atlanta.

    Flying is so much better than driving. I'd make sure to get to the airport early, though, especially since you're coming from New York. It being so close to Sept 11th, they may be pulling more people aside. I'm still debating whether or not to fuck with them some by wearing my Orphaned Land...
  18. S

    Individual day tickets now available

    Is there an estimate currently on the amount of tickets left per day? I'm still working the wife down on getting a pair, and I'm getting nervous that I'll miss out.
  19. S

    THEOCRACY-Mirror Of Souls

    I suppose, and this has been touched on slightly, there's a difference between religious songs, and songs about religions. "Mabool" is an amazing album, and the lyrics (in my opinion) are wonderful and really make great music even better for me, even though I'm a nonbeliever. Its the same with...
  20. S

    Need a CLOSE hotel room?

    Awesome news! Thanks for letting us know. I was just looking at rooms last night. I love when procrastination pays off. :D