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  1. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Dropping by to check if anything's changed. Nothing's changed. Fucking hell, I totally thought that Grant would be married, JAGEagent would be with a black girl, and that the Krampus would go back to Vietnam. In other news, if I stay Stateside this Spring/Summer, I may bump into some of you at...
  2. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    What's up, fucktards?
  3. Chanakya

    Males and Females

    I found myself in a super awkward situation and I return to GMD for the purpose of catharsis [as everyone I know over here knows both parties]. I've been seeing this girl lately and it feels like it's inevitably that we'll be in a serious relationship soon. She is beautiful and incredibly...
  4. Chanakya

    How is everyone's training going?

    ^ Fucking damn it, how strong are you?!?
  5. Chanakya

    How is everyone's training going?

    I have/had been in the doldrums for most of 2012. I was being a silly sophomore with a lot of freedom and binged on beer, pot and food, with little exercise and motivation to do anything. I got my full-time job in April, and the influx of money and not knowing what to do after 5 PM just...
  6. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Hello friends, I just came back from seeing Russian Circles and they are cool as shit. I haven't died, but rather I've had other priorities lately.
  7. Chanakya

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

  8. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    It's the Thursday, yet I still can't recover from the 3 days of debauching, half of which was with our very own Grant :D
  9. Chanakya

    The pics thread

    Marco is such a damn modest dude for such an incredible musician. I saw him play with Steven Wilson and that was one of my favourite shows of all time.
  10. Chanakya

    Males and Females

    So stop being a faggot and do the deed.
  11. Chanakya

    Males and Females

  12. Chanakya

    Males and Females

    Congrats for losing the V-card fucker!!!
  13. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    QFP, even if it's already been edited. That's going to be a new thing on here.
  14. Chanakya

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I feel as though we should establish a GMD Task Force that keeps track of RAGE's posts, and compile all his edit/deletes.
  15. Chanakya

    MDF ROLL-CALL 2012

    I'll buy it from you if you if Andy's friend doesn't want it anymore. Fuck.
  16. Chanakya

    MDF ROLL-CALL 2012

    I'm going to Boston in 2 weeks, I really love drinking and I'm a generous rich bastard. Who's in?
  17. Chanakya

    Males and Females

    I would, if I had those niglips. EDIT - @ RAGEagent. EDIT 2 - You're a twat. Scum of the earth. You're the kinda chav fuck that I wanted to punch in the face at Heathrow. You are a fucking idiot, a fucking pussy, a fucking whiner and a fucking entertainer. Yes, you entertain me with your...
  18. Chanakya

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    STFU everybody. You wouldn't give a shit if he was black or latino.
  19. Chanakya

    Dust In The Wind (travel thread)

    New England fags, I'm visiting some friends in Boston and possibly Maine for my spring break [last week of March]. Are any of you guys interested in meeting up for a drink or 8 and hearing some fantastically racist jokes from this brown bear?
  20. Chanakya

    Males and Females

    Your taste in Indian women is pathetic. Krampus, back me up.