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  1. H

    Threshold rocks!

    I have all albums except the very first one. Love each and everyone. They`ve just gotten better and better.
  2. H

    Anyone like Ice Age?

    I own Liberation, and it is an okay album. They`re strong musicians, and the material is good for what it is: rehashed neo-prog. What I don`t like is their sound: too much space, over-compressed and clinical. Pappas annoys the fuck out of me some times, and Piscus could do well in using other...
  3. H

    Dream Theater - Train of Thought

    Isn`t that a cover for an album by the Residents? That eyeballmask is a trademark of theirs...
  4. H

    Dream Theater - Train of Thought

    Oh come on, "In The Name of God" and "Honour Thy Father"? Think again.
  5. H

    HELP! Which Ayreon CD(s) do I want??

    Into The Electric Castle is the quintessential Ayreon album. You`d better like it!
  6. H

    Dream Theater - Train of Thought

    Count me among the ex-fans of Dream Theater here. I had high expectations for 6DOIT, was severely disappointed, and "Train of Thought" isn`t going to get my money until I`ve downloaded and heard it some times. Portnoy/Petrucci producing, Shirley mixing, and (most probably) preachy born-again...
  7. H

    Metal Chics

    Merethe, I live in Trondheim too! We should hook up!
  8. H

    Anybody else think that the word "nu-metal" lost its meaning by now?

    No? Meshuggah is VERY interesting tech-death with a wall-of-sound approach and drumming which isn`t perpetual blast beats. Their use of the guitar as a wholly percussive instrument is intriguing, and the implementation of simple polyrhythms is a huge step ahead from the atonal stop-start...
  9. H

    ATTN: Blackmetal fans and those with a sense of humor...

    Didn`t you read the thread title? Attn: Blackmetal fans and those with a sense of humour Funny site that. Most of the stuff was already in condensed format in the 101 rules of the black metal, but I liked the elaborations a lot. I do like BM, but I see the irony, and I could care less about...
  10. H

    Terrible songs by great bands.

    They covered Cloudbusting? That`s an awesome song, at least the Kate Bush version is...
  11. H

    Anybody else think that the word "nu-metal" lost its meaning by now?

    I agree with the original poster; the problem with "nu-metal" is that the label is being placed on all music that a certain person dislikes. I`ve heard bands like Meshuggah, Cannibal Corpse and Dimmu Borgir being called nu-metal, due to their popularity. Many bands branded nu-metal do have a...
  12. H

    Kick Dimmu of Hypo US TOUR!!

    Why? They get tons of people to the gigs and expose Nevermore and Hypocrisy to a larger audience. But I guess that increased popularity for either bands threatens your "elite" status. Idiot. Watered down pussy metal eh? Sure, they`re not black metal, but pussy they are not. Dimmu Borgir is...
  13. H

    Medieval music (rock based)

    GENTLE GIANT! Their keyboardist was a conservatory-trained xylophonist with a profound knowledge of medieval theory. You can hear the medieval influence in a lot of their songs, especially pieces like "Talybont". Check them out. Oh, and a big "LOL" at the guy who suggested Blind Guardian.
  14. H

    Recommend me something non-metal

    Get Frank Gambale - Live! or Tribal Tech - Rocket Science. Perfect if you`re in the mood for some crazy fusion.
  15. H

    Black Metal Musicians Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison For Firing At Christian Buildin

    I think you`re missing the point here. YES, they were hoping to kill people (who probably weren`t christians anyway, only godless junkies), but the fact is, they DIDN`T. They hurt a fucking brickwall, for the sake of all that is good in the world! And attempted murder, executed in such a...
  16. H

    Wesley Willis died today...

    "Rock n Roll McDonalds" is a masterpiece. His life is a great loss.
  17. H

    for those who know classical music a lot

    Stravinsky - Rite of SpringBohuslav Martinu - Symphonies no.3 and 5, The Epic of GilgameshSchoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire (EXTREMELY creepy)Alban Berg - WozzeckShostakovich - Symphonies no. 5, 7, 11 and 12But most likely these will not be what you`re after, which is probably stuff like movie music...
  18. H

    Black Metal Musicians Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison For Firing At Christian Buildin

    While I agree that the act of shooting at a rehabilitation center is EXTREMELY stupid and unnecessary; 25 years is WAY too much. I mean, rapists get half of that, and there is NO QUESTION of who inflicts the greater damage on the victim, comparing the two cases. Biased christian court, end of story.
  19. H

    @Kate Bush Rules!

    Ah, my bad. Why name yourself that to provoke the metal people? Kate Bush is excellent, complex and thoughtfully arranged pop. I don`t see how anyone with an open mind can dislike her.
  20. H

    Best Bass player ever.

    Vic Wooten Kicks the arse out of anything- EVER.