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  1. DominikJW

    New Solution .45 - Perfecting The Void

    Oh cool, new Scar Symmetry! No, wait...
  2. DominikJW

    The photography thread

    Had to use longer exposure because the noise on higher ISO was unbearable (APS-C sensor), so the stars are a little blurry. Oh well.
  3. DominikJW

    Feared 'Synder' Album

    Very good songs, solid riffing, great mix. Videos look neat as fukk too!
  4. DominikJW

    Sabre Guitars Ghost HB6-L Custom

    Dude, you are a Grandmaster of Patience, I admire it, really. When I buy a new guitar, and it ships to me for 2-3 days I shit my pants to get my hands on it, and over a year and a half... whoa. Anyway, as long as it plays only halfway as fantastic as it looks, congratulations bro!
  5. DominikJW

    Need second pair of ears, lend me yours!

    Hi guys, I need some opinions on this mix/master I'm doing for a client of mine, as I've lost perspective after couple of hours: I wasn't aiming for a typical modern sound, rather more into Sylosis-type of vibe. Lemme know what's wrong with it!
  6. DominikJW

    New Sylosis! Full album stream, I'm half way through and absolutely loving it!
  7. DominikJW

    ITT we post funny pictures...

  8. DominikJW

    New Sylosis! The song is solid, maybe not as good as 'Mercy', which is plain brilliant IMO. But the video, well... getting kinda mixed feelings about it. While the previous was interesting and energetic, this looks a bit lame. It's certainly...
  9. DominikJW

    Systematic Mixing Guide Update (Free for all prior purchasers)

    Thanks man! Will check it later today.
  10. DominikJW

    The photography thread

    Awesome dude, where do you find all these cool spots?
  11. DominikJW

    some triplets

    Dude, please, the world needs more music from you.
  12. DominikJW

    The photography thread

    Really nice shots man. Beautiful mountains too!
  13. DominikJW

    The photography thread

    It is obviously some sort of cheating, and people who overuse it (including me sometimes :lol: ) should die in hell. :flame: But implemented with taste to enrich a scene, I don't think it's a bad thing.
  14. DominikJW

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Beyer's older model dt880 and B3030A monitors
  15. DominikJW

    Andy Sneap and Slayer? I think they need him ASAP.
  16. DominikJW

    Tightest live band?

    Gojira. Seeing them live was like listening to their cd through a quite large stereo.
  17. DominikJW

    FS: (UK/EU) Apogee Ensemble - £650.00

    OT but I love that pic man! Care to share some details? (e.g. camera, lens, postprocessing)
  18. DominikJW

    My new toy

    I got a 650D (T4i) on thursday, so looks like we've got a Happy New Canon Owner's Club in here!
  19. DominikJW

    The photography thread

    Did a panorama shot of my home city, it's actually the first panorama I made so it ain't perfect:
  20. DominikJW

    Post the most impressive rhythm playing you've ever heard in metal

    Has to be Periphery - Zyglrox.