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  1. Eligos

    Metal 2015

    Holy cow, that new Vektor track is rad. I know where some of my money is going in February now. And the new Enslaved is excellent, much agreed Ozz. I think it tops RIITIIR, which topped all their previous work. "Building With Fire" and "Thurisaz Dreaming" are major highlights for me.
  2. Eligos

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    I waited a really, really long time to say anything about this album because I wanted to make sure it has return value, but it's stood the test of the annum and I'm blown away by how multifaceted and worldly it is. I'd rank it next to Esperanza Spalding's Radio Music Society and Daft Punk's...
  3. Eligos

    Black Metal.

    There are some moments on Diadem of 12 Stars (particularly on the epic "Queen of the Borrowed Light"), that are truly unforgettable to me. Sometimes I will think I'm writing something original and then realize that I just haven't listened to that record in a long time. The resulting riffs get...
  4. Eligos


    Their entire imperial series is pretty impressive. The Czar Imperial Stout is a winter favorite for sure. Hopefully I still have time to grab that one though.
  5. Eligos

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Second thing is, this word doesn't actually mean anything. You turned up in a database when you changed your address and the creditor sends out mail to a poorly selected sample of those addresses. Capital One is the most guilty of this offense. You would still have to pass a credit check if...
  6. Eligos

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Now this interests me. Reminds me of a friend of mine who posted a series of foie gras abominations on Instagram after some of our buddies started priding themselves as gourmets, posting their brunches and shit. Chocolate-covered foie gras, deep fried foie gras, etc. Purely for trolling purposes.
  7. Eligos

    Slowly warming up to some Djent stuff

    Djent is kind of exciting until it overcomes a listener with its rat's nest of tropes. After that, at least for me, even material that was largely differentiated starts to sound same-y (some remarkable Djent-influenced jazz fusion albums, for example, are hard to even bring to mind). The web...
  8. Eligos

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    William Gibson's material has always been my jam.
  9. Eligos

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Settled on a focus for one of my majors yesterday. Probably a good thing to do in my second-to-last semester right? Right. Data Mining/Cloud Data seems like the way to go considering that people seem to think I have a knack for it and it's frickin cool. Gonna trek up to Rocky Mountain...
  10. Eligos

    Black Metal.

    Came here to see if anyone else had said stuff about Myrkur because someone I respect was recently praising her riffcraft. Still not taking a side, but sometimes my testicles resonate when you guys make posts. Re: Deafheaven. Completely overshadowed by other new post black metal releases this...
  11. Eligos

    Lunar Eclipse under way

    For an hour and 10 minutes, sir.
  12. Eligos

    Lunar Eclipse under way

    Yeah only it's orange and has a shadow on it.
  13. Eligos

    The "Which GMD member would you want to have your back in a fight?" Thread

    I haven't been in a fight since high school, but would punch someone for most of you.
  14. Eligos

    Lunar Eclipse under way

    Finally saw it, preeeeeetty neat.
  15. Eligos

    New forum feedback/sneak peeks

    Good because Tap-a-Talk is AIDS. Sorry if they sponsor you. I would not be very proud of that.
  16. Eligos

    New forum feedback/sneak peeks

    Good because Tap-a-Talk is AIDS. Sorry if they sponsor you. I would not be very proud of that.
  17. Eligos

    Gamers Thread

    Has anyone tried their hand at the new MTG expansion? I grabbed one of those dual deck sets and am liking the Allies so far. Pretty great way to build up board momentum.
  18. Eligos

    Lunar Eclipse under way

    Same ;_;
  19. Eligos

    Spam Influx