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  1. D

    The official metal 2010 thread!

    Oh, and martyr are writing as well, hopefully this will be out next year too.
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    The official metal 2010 thread!

    Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy (Progressive metal, thrash metal; Century Media) - Jan 2010 Arsis - Starve for the Devil (Technical death metal, Melodic death metal; Nuclear Blast) - Feb 5 2010
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    The Lotus Eater

    The clean vocal/blast beat thing reminds me a bit of Anaal Nathrakh (I like it). The growls are awesome in this song. I like that wierd 'nintendo' bit. Only thing I'm kind of meh on is the talking thing in the end. Maybe if I look at the lyrics I might find some connection... I don't know... as...
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    Porcelain Heart

    The Grand Design: Judging from the songs I have heard, I agree 100%. So far the songs seem much more dynamic, 'atmospheric' and interesting than deliverance or ghost reveries. I love the 'old' feel of the new songs, by this I don't particularly mean the bands old sound (but it does remind me...
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    High Quality Heir Apparent Video

    I love it. Reminds me more of their older stuff than much off GR, apart from the one or two simplistic chugging riffs.
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    Cradle of Filth-Nymphetamine

    nymphetamine reminds me of st.anger, firstly, in that the riffs sound really cut and pasted and just don't flow from one to the next and secondly each song sounds like a 3 minutes song played twice for the sake of making it longer. Basically what i'm trying to say in 5 words or less is that it's...
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    Bands that have Piano work by the truckload?!?!?

    virgin black have piano
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    by your bedside tabs??

    Hi, i haven't posted on this board before. I like the band, to me it's the perfect balance between melody and brutality. Anyway, i have a guitar, i don't play well but i like to try and have a bash. I have been trying to work out how to play by your bedside because i think the song is awesome...
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    Power metal with balls

    This may make me sound like a dumbass but are nevermore/sanctuary considered powermetal. I don't know because when i call them thrash or heavy metal i get called a dumbass and when i call them power metal i get called a dumbass so i'm a dumbass no matter what i do. either way i think they have...
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    Audio quality: REALLY good recordings you have?

    As far as clarity is concerned i think nevermore's dead heart in a dead world and psycroptic's sceptre of the ancients are amoung the best i've heard.
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    Athmospheric Black...

    Lidskjalv - Helferd
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    Fast Metal

    absu are pretty quick and still have a good amount of melody.
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    Pirate Metal?

    ah yeah... i meant Kelsey Grammer... :dopey: :p
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    Pirate Metal?

    you can't be more superior than superior. grammer is YOUR friend.:p
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    Best lyrics in death metal?

    yeah, those ARE really good lyrics. well, until he says we are all brothers in metal :tickled:
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    Best lyrics in death metal?

    Well, i might be missing something but to me they just sound stupid. cruelty incarnate for example...stupid stupid lyrics. of dull eyes borne....stupid lyrics. Maybe part of it is because i prefer a more poetic style of lyric as opposed to the story kind of lyric. it's just a personal thing in...
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    Best lyrics in death metal?

    i hate psycroptic's lyrics. The band however, i do like. For me, i like the lyrics to 'by your bedside' - vehemence, i think that is very well written from a lyrical standpoint. Death are good some of the time, other times they come off as a bit clumsy, to me anyway. My favourite death...
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    New Killswitch CD

    boring. there was one riff on the entire cd that i thought was good (the opening riff on declaration). the rest of the cd was just boring, predictable, generic, boring, whiney, unimagitive, boring crap. did i mention it was boring?
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    Metal Masterpieces

    nevermore - dreaming neon black opeth - still life death - the sound of perseverance metallica - master of puppets
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    Conspiracy Theory

    cliff burton wrote portions of 'to live is to die' from the justice album.