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  1. BassistofAlexandriA

    Why bands like this are not in PPUSA????

    Why are bands like this are not on the Prog Power Lineup? I just read that of course Astral Doors will be on Next year. I'm also waiting on Vanden Plas to be on after the issues they had last year. But to the point, Why is Sun Caged not on ProgPower USA yet? Furthermore, Who actually knows...
  2. BassistofAlexandriA


    Aside from the bigger acts. I would like to see the opportunity given to bands that are trying to get signed. Unsigned bands are really the future of the industry and sometimes they are better than actual signed bands. lol. Eclipsed by Sanity is definitely one of them that i would like to see...
  3. BassistofAlexandriA

    Where do you think it should be?

    Ft. Lauderdale is an odd choice yet a very interesting one if you look at it. Down here the best metal venue would be Culture Room. It packs about 400-500 people with a small patio and plenty of bars. Great lighting, and sound. Is obviously a small venue compare to the size of Bourbon or State...
  4. BassistofAlexandriA

    ATL Local Show Reminders

    Well!! What a suprise do we have in store for all of you! lol. If any of you remember We played in Atlanta last year with EBS and Halcyon Way. We have change singers since and have a slighty different sound now. If you think EBS has destroy your town, well just wait until we are done with you...
  5. BassistofAlexandriA

    PPUSA X predictions

    Actually... I won't be surprise if Vanden Plas makes it to PPX, as for the legal issues they had for PPVIII. They are a great band and i was very much looking forward to them. So i think Glenn will try to get them for PPX at all cost. 2 bands that i won't mind at all are either Heavenly or...
  6. BassistofAlexandriA

    I wonder if Glenn is aware of this

    Yeah i don't think that festival will Affect ProgPower at all. If you look at the lineup, aside from Into Eternity and Mustach, all the other bands are not ProgPower Material. They follow the Alternative Hardcore vibe and the so called "New wave of American Metal" (Whatever the hell that means...
  7. BassistofAlexandriA

    PPUSA X predictions

    Yeah i meant i always prefer the opening bands to be new odd bands that mostly no one has ever heard because that way we get to hear something new. From reading the threads i keep seen the same band names over and over.
  8. BassistofAlexandriA

    Best Brazilian band I've heard

    Dude.. Anything with Aquiles Priester on it is Amazing!!Close call between Angra and Hangar
  9. BassistofAlexandriA


    A close call between Nightfalls and Night at the Opera. But then again i would have chosen the Live Album and get the best of everything...
  10. BassistofAlexandriA

    PPUSA X predictions

    I actually hope that for the 10th anniversary we don't get reappearing bands. I have enjoyed every progpower that i've been to thus far, but we seem to be getting stuck in the same bands. A lot of the threads i read are about Astral Doors, Nocturnal Rites, Everygrey or bands that already appear...
  11. BassistofAlexandriA

    New Dragonforce song

    They got boring really quick. There's only so much shredding you can do! Aside from the fact that they cannot play their own song live which to me is more disappointing that if everything sounds the same
  12. BassistofAlexandriA

    I truly regret...

    Ok.. so here we go with the Eternal argument of who can sing a song the right way, or the original way or whatever!!! This goes back to Paul Di Anno and Bruce, Halford and Ripper, or Ripper and Barlow.I mean everyone is going to have a favorite no doubt. I'll take Bruce over Di Anno or Bayley...