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  1. K

    Who would you have booked for PPX if Glenn gave you the power????

    Ultimate PPX band listing (for me): Dream Theater - Say what you want about them, but they and Fates Warning are absolute Prog Metal legends. Would be great to see them headline the 10th anniversary. Fates Warning - See above, but due to popularity differences I would say that DT would get the...
  2. K

    Friday Night in order of preference

    1. Andromeda - Suffered from a bad mix and a lack of prog metal support in the crowd. I was digging their entire show, especially old stuff like Chameleon Carnival, The Words Unspoken, and In the Deepest of Waters. The crowd seemed bored though which detracted from their overall impact. Not sure...
  3. K

    Thoughts on the Riverside set?

    Pretty good. Not incredible, but pretty good. Loose Heart was disappointing simply because they couldn't cover all of the parts but that's understandable. Their good moments were enhanced in the live setting, but their tangential and overdone parts were enhanced in a negative way. Still, a very...
  4. K

    Thoughts on Spheric Universe Experience set?

    I love S.U.E., but honestly I thought their set was disappointing. The guitar sound and tone was so muffled and muddy that most everything was indiscernible. Frontmanship was obnoxious. Keys were great, drums were great (except for the drum solo which was dull and unnecessary), bass was great...