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  1. Ecstatic Youth

    i must say. this was an awesome pic of myself!

    How very metal...quite nice. :rock:
  2. Ecstatic Youth

    List 20 Random Things about Yourself...

    1. I used to post on the Nevermore board here at UM alot but I stopped because I got busy with mountain bike forums, but I recently started coming back around. 2. I think I might start posting at UM again every once in a while. 3. I feel that capitalism will most certainly be a prominant...
  3. Ecstatic Youth

    Richard Christy leaved Iced Earth for Howard Stern show...

    wtf? richard christy, one of the most amazing drummers i've ever heard/seen in my life has quit music to do comedy radio. wow.
  4. Ecstatic Youth

    All the cowards hide, Chances three?

    Both of them are amazing songs and imo are worth the buy. All the cowards hide is slowish and evil and dare i say doomy, mr bozarth? you know a thing or two about doom me thinks? and chances three is a slow acoustic song with only warrel and the the acoustic guitar. waarels vocal abilities i...
  5. Ecstatic Youth

    The "Can't Sleep" Thread

    Whacking off is definitely a good pre-bedtime ritual. Puts me right to sleep. Seriously.
  6. Ecstatic Youth

    When music makes you fucking lose your mind

    How could I have forgotten about Cryptopsy? Cryptopsy- Voice of Unreason- it consistantly blows my mind, with Cold Hate/Warm Blood in a close second to mind blowing, orgasm producing brilliance. So amazingly heavy and technical and genious. Wow. Death- Bite The Pain- Well, lets just...
  7. Ecstatic Youth

    When music makes you fucking lose your mind

    How many times, when, and what music has ever made you just fucking freak out because it was just so damn you could never possibly say enough about how fucking brilliant it was. I'm talking the shit that you could never ever imagine getting sick of no matter HOW far away you stray...
  8. Ecstatic Youth

    thewhatcha listening to?

    Vital Remains- Dechristianize you must all listen to this and furiously crap your pants. Especialy from 2:45 - 3:30 in that song. holy fuck You know what this song reminds me of(especially that part)? If on a movie there was some huge battle between heaven and hell, that part of the song...
  9. Ecstatic Youth


    I want to put my pee-pee on your doo-doo
  10. Ecstatic Youth

    What do you think about Pure Sweet Hell?

    I think PSH is frigging amazing. Van and Christ did an awesome job with that band. Fucking killer tunes. And Van can sing pretty damn good too!
  11. Ecstatic Youth

    Do any of you suffer from depression?

    I Like your style Mr. BWD.
  12. Ecstatic Youth

    Good band, sad fact: Trendy.

    I fuckinglove the Mars volta. Absolutely god damn amazing. I will never ever be even close to ashamed that I like The Mars Volta. They're SO fucking good. Roulette Dares(The Haunting Of) and Televators are fucking amazing songs. Holy shit.
  13. Ecstatic Youth

    Name That Pic!

    Your mom. BURN! Seriously though I don't have a clue. An x-ray of something?
  14. Ecstatic Youth

    Dreaming Neon Black album covers?

    my friend has that. its just an import with a dif cover. there wasn't actually anything dif about he cd though as far as i remember. i actually kinda like the album cover she got better. but thats just my opinion
  15. Ecstatic Youth

    HEY WARREL, Dave Mustaine has no hard feelings!!!

    That would be a fucking awesome god damn tour. If they skipped over Canada though, that would require nothing short of a full-fledged assasination.
  16. Ecstatic Youth

    thewhatcha listening to?

    Incubus- Talk Show On Mute
  17. Ecstatic Youth

    I need your feedback

  18. Ecstatic Youth

    Kyle From Incantation
