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  1. Craysh3

    Krysta Martinez

    On a refreshingly random note, LM's new vocalist actually looks like a man with a great pair of tits, I miss Grace though.
  2. Craysh3

    Fuck this song is awesome..cover coming soon

    Leonard Cohen is phenomenal. Good on you for admiring his work, Warrel!
  3. Craysh3

    Is it gay

    You just quoted my Monday morning playlists. So no.
  4. Craysh3

    Is it awesome

    I feel like whatever I can say on Twitter, I can say on Facebook with more character room to complete my sentences. Unless I'm a mid-east rebel army or Donald Trump, I just never felt the dire need to spew out my verbal bullshit in real time. On the other hand, it kinda sucks that I can only see...
  5. Craysh3

    Another interview with Jeff

    Loving the fact that Guthrie Govan is getting props from JL. Well deserved and hopefully that might lead up to a guest part on the next album!
  6. Craysh3

    Bacon Lube

    This'll go great with my bacon toothpaste, bacon floss, and bacon soap after having a bacon and egg english muffin for the morning after.
  7. Craysh3

    Jeff cracks the door open a bit

    Hey can we be grown ups around here for once and stop pretending like Soilwork throughout the span of their career ever released a good album?
  8. Craysh3

    New Nile

    There's a song on this album called 'Enduring the Eternal Molestation of Flame'. I thought that this would be an opportune moment to point that out.
  9. Craysh3

    what are you reading?

    Just finished Reading The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, and The Chill for an elective course. Pretty great read for what was probably trash books in the 20s, 30s and 60s. I'm also in the middle of The Picture of Dorian Gray which is just absolutely tits as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Craysh3

    new Testament song

  11. Craysh3

    Supreme Court upholds health care law

    Socialism is not a curse word, god fucking dammit... Universal Health Care and Education are the stamps of prosperous, civil, and sensible countries all across the globe, period.
  12. Craysh3

    Just one of those great articles to read once in a while Love cracked!
  13. Craysh3

    Red Label appreciation thread

    You know what did suck salty testes last time I bought it from the duty free? Glenlivet 18 years. Absolute horseshit. On the other hand, Highland Park and Glenfiddich 15 were phenomenal.
  14. Craysh3

    New Nile

    It has everything!
  15. Craysh3


    That is fuckin' 'merica. Don't ye furget it.
  16. Craysh3

    New Gojira

    Indubitably jizzworthy
  17. Craysh3

    Beastie Boys' Adam Yaucht Dies

  18. Craysh3

    Beastie Boys' Adam Yaucht Dies Everyone post an obligatory salute to one of the men that made the 80's mainstream music scene listenable. Great memories from teenagehood are associated with this band for me. I'll miss him lots more than Whitney Houston...
  19. Craysh3

    Post funny shit

    Hitler and I both approve of this. Very very much. She's like a more aesthetically successful version of Brooke Shields.