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  1. Fox Mulder

    Does the Guitar Even Matter in a Mix?

    Haha, I agree. I personally think this video is decent, though.
  2. Fox Mulder

    Offering low-cost mixes due to student-work

    A spanish slang word for "Aiight Homie"
  3. Fox Mulder

    Mic placement dilemma

    I dig chug no.1. Cheers!
  4. Fox Mulder

    New KSE song

  5. Fox Mulder


    Good People, This is a documentary by British film maker Tony Rooke, which portrays the frank and candid views of Police Officers, Firefighters and Soldiers as they express their grave concerns about the official explanation for the events of 9/11. For the sake of Humanity, spread the love.
  6. Fox Mulder

    Mass shooting / kamikaze / hostages in Paris

    Donald Trump for President then? :D
  7. Fox Mulder

    Mass shooting / kamikaze / hostages in Paris

    Somewhat OT, but here are 2 links which I believe some of you may find enlightening.
  8. Fox Mulder

    Orpheus Omega - Beacons

    Melb_shredder. I had no idea you were in OO. Greetings from Bangladesh :D
  9. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    You can neither prove the non-existence of Mary and Joseph nor the existence of Muhammad. If you could have, I'm sure you'd have different life. As to why I'm drawing, or trying to draw parallels, #FreedomOfSpeech baby :Smokedev:
  10. Fox Mulder

    Enter Sandman Cover Teaser - Future RAWS, REAL DRUMS!

    Or perhaps there are so many half-assed albums being sharted out by new bands these days, some people just wanna relive the past :grin: To the OP: Great stuff!
  11. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    :lol: Well something's better than nothing. I've got my limits.
  12. Fox Mulder

    Kneel Before Cobra!

  13. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    Fair enough :P
  14. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    There's a phrase called "American Know-it-all-ism" popular in the East. Enough now :muahaha:
  15. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    @JeffTD: Are you defending Mary and Joseph? You trying to say they didn't fuck? Also, what proof do you over-opinionated american have that Muhammad did indeed have sexual relations with Aisha when she was a minor?
  16. Fox Mulder

    Paris shooting

    Such marriages between an older man and a young girl were customary among the Bedouins; The same can be said about Mary and Joseph. What do you expect to gain solving this puzzle anyway?
  17. Fox Mulder

    This Holy Book Is Full of Appaling Violence!

    Nah, you're wrong. And I don't need to prove myself to you and derail the topic. :P