gmd poll

  1. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Films of 2023

    RYM film chart IMDB film chart Figured we're halfway through 2024 so enough time has passed for us to start this one. If it doesn't die in the crib, maybe I'll eventually go back and do threads for 2021 and 2022. Also I'm considering allowing TV shows to be included here, but only if it's a...
  2. Cronopio

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2020

    Couldn't find a thread covering the best releases of 2020, so here goes. Sorry if I didn't look hard enough, but I was also busy fingering your mother on this lovely mother's day, so there's that. 01. Skeletoon - Nemesis Favorite song: "Il Tramonto Delle Ere" 02. Trick or Treat - The Legend...
  3. CiG

    GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 1995

    RYM film chart Deadline is DECEMBER. If you need an extension just say so and it will absolutely be considered. This is usually just a soft deadline to make sure everybody doesn't become complacent. REMEMBER for those of you who haven't seen many films from this year or in general, you can...
  4. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2012

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free to...
  5. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2011

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free to...
  6. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2019

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free...
  7. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2001

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free...
  8. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 1982

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free...
  9. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2006

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free...
  10. CiG

    GMD Poll: Top Ten Albums of 2002

    RYM ALBUMS LIST RYM EP LIST Reminder of the rules: - please submit at least *5* releases. But just remember, real men vote at 10. - first place in your rankings gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9, etcetc, 10th gets 1. - feel free to post more than 10, but only the top 10 will get points. - feel free...
  11. CiG

    GMD Social Poll: Top Ten Films of 1988

    RYM film chart Please submit your lists by NOVEMBER 16th. Not sure if this game will be popular, I mean how many people have seen 10 films from any given year let alone more than 10 films so they can create a list of quality? I tried to choose a fairly popular year for the testing round so if...