Alex Argento?

No plans to stock this. Historically speaking we do very poorly with shredders. We tend to stay clear of solo artists unless they are extremely well known.
OK - I can't seem to find the CD anywhere in the US :(

I wouldn't really call this a shred CD - it's extremely well done heavy fusion along the lines of Virgil Donati / Planet X. It's a real monster. Argento has played on the Lalu CD as well as Joop Wolters and Citriniti.
was aware of that - but $22 inc. shipping is right at my tolerance of pain when it comes to buying CDs.
was aware of that - but $22 inc. shipping is right at my tolerance of pain when it comes to buying CDs.

Hi Pinkeisch,
first of all I want to thank you for your interest in my music!
I've registered today to this forum and I immediately found a topic about my album LOL
Unfortunately I'm an indipendent musician and it's not easy to find some good distributions. That's why I have to sell the cd by myself and that's why the price of my cd is not so "cheap" :)
Anyways..if you are always interested in purchasing my album, write me an e-mail at
and will explain you how to purchase my cd digitally (in mp3 version at 192Kb/s) so you can save some moneys ;)
Thanks again!

P.S.: Hey Noble Savage, I saw your're GREAT! Thanks as always for your BIG support!