Amazon Music


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
Does anyone on here know anything about Amazon Music's policy?

I went on another family member's Amazon Prime account to download music.
This family member have me permission to do so.
I have my own non prime account, and I also had some downloaded songs on there.
I decided to temporarily switch to my own account, and it gave a message stating that if I transfer to my account, I will have to wait 180 days to switch back.
I thought that I could just delete and reinstall my Amazon Music app(I was using an Iphone),
but when deleted it and reinstalled it, and switched back to this other family member's account, it gave me a message saying to wait another 180 days to switch it.
It gave me an option to deregester my phone, but it said I would have to wait 30 days.
That is stupid, because I never registered my phone. I registered the app, which I deleted.
I don't understand the point in the whole 180 days thing. It is stupid.
It won't let me access music that I download onto MY phone, because I can't log into that account.
I don't see why Amazon deletes music on one account if you transfer the accounts, because it is on my device. They shouldn't be able to mess with anything on my phone itself. Only what's in the cloud.

Does anyone on this forum know any workarounds, or any ways to convince Amazon to deregester my phone from my account without waiting?
I was thinking about saying I accidentally clicked it, but it had an "are you sure" window to prevent that.

I don't want to go 30-180 days without my Iron Maiden, Pantera, and Skid Row albums.
listen to them on some other service for free in the mean time. Also fuck paying for downloads. Buy cds used and rip them to flac, bin the cd if you don't want it, or put it in the loft.
I tried transferring them from my kindle, which is on the account, to my phone, but it won't work, and it is inconvenient to listen to music on a kindle when away from home.
I talked to the customer service, which was no help at all.

Amazon sucks!
I think that their policy should be considered theft.
I DOWNLOADED the music.
The files should be in my hard drive.
But Amazon deleted them!
I deleted the app, they obviously have my personal information, or else they wouldn't know I'm a customer.(I'm not one until they change their stupid policy, though.)