Arch / Matheos "Sympathetic Resonance"


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
I picked up my copy of the new monster album by Arch / Matheos today and have to state very clearly after three complete listens through, it will be hard to beat as my album of the year for 2011. While I'm really also into DT's new disc, "Sympathetic Resonance" is something special for me.

As a young teenager growing up a town over from the home town of Fates Warning during their developmental years, it's needless to say I was enormously influenced in my early forays into guitar by the great guitar work of Jim Matheos and those remarkable early Fates Warning album with John Arch singing on them. I can't tell you my disappointment when I heard the news that John had left Fates Warning, while I eventually accepted and came to appreciate Ray Alder and his work with both FW and Redemption, John will always be the singer I think of when the words Fates Warning are uttered in my presence.

While I won't go into a track by track review, I'll simply say it really is THAT good!. Let me digest it for a few days and I'll write up a proper review.

If you get a chance - buy it, you will not be disappointed.

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This album is a no brainer, gonna pick that up asap. Their latest collaboration on the John Arch EP was awesome and they still got it. Still listening to Awaken the Guardian quite often, superb album, maybe one of the best ever.
Hmmmm, really can't get into the vocals on this one. Other than that it would be right down my alley :(

It's pretty safe to say you either LOVE John Arch's stylings or you border on hating them as he has one of the most unique deliveries in metal history. One thing for sure is that he is one hell of a lyricist, add to that the ability to craft vocal melodies over the over the top rhythms that Jim Matheos comes up with (possibly more twists and turns per song than most other progressive metal guitarists would think to utilize) and it may be a personal opinion, but he is one of my masterminds in metal, only limited by his limited back catalog. I often think about where FW would be (or have gone) if John had not split from the band for fall away into the obscurity of the regular world for 17 years between recorded materials.

He's definitely from the old school metal singers category with more in line with Geoff Tate (of old), John Patrick McDonald (Midnight) from Crimson Glory, or even old form James Labrie, and perhaps a little Halford/Bruce Dickinson tossed in for good measure - the more operatic male vocals that seem not as popular among younger generations of metal fans. Like it or not, he's definitely unique and there's definitely a large community of folks who prefer the John Arch years with FW than those of Ray Alder (which as I noted earlier, I'm actually a fan of as well).