arjen chat this Saturday, the 24th

May 27, 2002
Chat with Arjen!
Ayreon and Star One mastermind Arjen Anthony Lucassen will be participating in a live chat Saturday, May 24th, through Seismic between 3 PM and 4 PM EST (21.00-22.00 CET) during the Absolute Zero radio show from DJ ZeroHour. To join the chat, go to and click on the 'chat' link. You can also access the chatroom through an IRC client (see the Seismic Radio website for instructions). All questions for Arjen should be sent to the moderators of the chat as a private message. Questions that are not sent to the moderators through the private message function will not be answered. During the chat the station will play Star One and Ayreon songs, including material from the new 'Live on Earth' release. To listen to the show you'll need to have RealPlayer installed. The entire radio show runs from 2 PM to 6 PM EST (20.00-24.00 CET), so do hang out for a bit and chat with other fans!
