Cheesy Stuff

Ryan M.

Theocratic Fanatic
Oct 15, 2009
A cheesy anti-drug cartoon I found... wow.. it's odd... but anyway... post your fav cheesy videos!!!!
I'm a life long wrestling fan. So I know a thing or two about cheesiness. And no other represents this as much as the... ULTIMATE WARRIOR!

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Their voices and the age they look doesn't match. Haahhahha! It's like 16 year olds with 8 year old voices. XD.
I always thought of Narnia's lyrics as too cheesy for metal... even too cheesy for church.
Theocracy makes it look easy to write great lyrics but with Narnia it's like they're not even trying... Am I alone on this?
No, you're not alone in this....I find 'christian lilegren's lyrics quite cheesy most of the time- in his Narnia cds, divinefire and audiovision albums... It's also the problem i have with Mortification - simplistic cheesy/corny lyrics alot of the time...

Where as with Theocracy and artists like Rob Rock,Harmony, ...... the lyrics are bold in expressing the Gospel but don't sound cheesy...
Sorry for going offtopic but that's another issue with some of the Christian bands I like... If you happen to know a band is Christian you're bound to know what the lyrics are all about. I mean a Christian band usually doesn't stray from the path of delivering the Gospel.

A band such as Creed can have a positive message but will still deal with personal and non-religious matters.

At times I even get disappointed having to find out a certain song is about God and man, when I was thinking it's a song about the relationship of a man and a woman.

Concept albums like Terium by Seventh Avenue try to escape the stereotypes, but it's still sort of predictable.

I don't know, I didn't mean to sound mean, but as I look at it, if someone expresses their faith as a band (in the way Theocracy did) I don't think it will matter much to a religious person, I mean... They KNOW the band brings a good message...and the nonbelievers won't get phased by the message.
Anyone ever play Robot Unicorn Attack? And the heavy metal version (featuring Blind Guardian!) It's INCREDIBLY cheesy. Yet also incredibly addicting.

I used to play that all the time a while back... but I could never go over the 100k mark...

My record is 90000.

My girlfriend's record is 170000. She doesn't even play games as as much as I do.
