DEAR SATAN, I found a recent Swedish band that's actually GOOD!!!


Son of The Bitch
Jun 27, 2004
Detroit, MI
HYPNOSIA. A friend recommended them to me, and when I found out they were new, and from Sweden I was instantly skeptical. I was like, oh great, they call themselves Thrash and they're from Sweden. Can I expect stupid bullshit like The Haunted, or Carnal Forge with their 1 Thrash riff per song with a bunch of melodeath crap? Or is this just In Flames Part II?

NEITHER. What I got was Kreator - Pleasure To Kill influenced THRASH METAL. They split up in 2002 (The music scene in Sweden was so gay that it made them.) but the only album they ever released was entitled EXTREME HATRED, with classic after classic. I recommened this to anyone who remotely likes METAL. \m/
Hypnosia is amazing, they are very hard to come by, my friend actually bought the last album on the shelf because he thought the cover looked cool, it turned out to be a fabulous thrash metal album, unfortunaley I have not seen it since, I guess I will be forced to buy it online. Anyway, Extreme Hatred is a fucking awsome album, so buy it, buy it now, you fools.

There ARE good Swedish bands, you know... You just haven't been looking good enough. Have you heard Bewitched, Nifelheim, Devil Lee Rot, Merciless, Morbid, Serpent Obscene and of course LETHAL, to mention a few? (Also check )
I like Bewitched, they're a fun Power/Thrash band, but they didn't hit me with an absolute "BANG YOU'RE FUCKING HEAD MOTHERFUCKER" like Hypnosia did.

Nifelheim isn't that good, and they try too hard to sound like the 80's. Sure they have a few Thrash riffs here and there, but it pretty much sounds like the Marduk derived crowd of "Black" Metal.

I haven't heard the rest of the bands you listed, what styles do they play?
Here's my take on Lethal:

I guess I just never heard of them because they're a brand new band. The vocalist is REALLY annoying...that's my only really serious complaint. The first two songs on the demo were really average, not much in the way of good riffwork. Silent Strike was pretty good, Violent Solution went straight back the the medocrity of the first tracks, except for the break in the middle, which was well-executed. Then there's Cleansed By Flames...this ain't bad either, but that vocalist gets on my damn nerves so much. The solos are the most pedestrian part, doing almost nothing interesting at all (The tapping solo in the first track wasn't bad, but that's all that stood out to me). And finally...DAMMIT, TORMENTOR ISN'T A KREATOR COVER. I thought something interesting was going to happen...But there are a few cool riffs in that song. Oh well, when all is said and done, this is really pedestrian and boring Thrash, with little to no interesting riffwork, and the most annoying vocalist ever. If I were to rate it, I'd give it a solid 50/100.
Devil Lee Rot you can hear at, Merciless started way back in 1986 or something but took a 10-year break until recently, deathrash at its finest. Morbid is where Dead came from before he went to Mayhem, oldschool death metal. Serpent Obscene is another deathrash band.

And... Lethal is my band and I'm the vocalist/bassist, thanks for the nice criticism! I don't agree on most points, but feel free to hate us. I shall provide samples when the album is done, but that'll take a while.
(SIDE NOTE: I know 18 bands that have a song called "Tormentor".)
Sorath said:
And... Lethal is my band and I'm the vocalist/bassist, thanks for the nice criticism! I don't agree on most points, but feel free to hate us. I shall provide samples when the album is done, but that'll take a while.
(SIDE NOTE: I know 18 bands that have a song called "Tormentor".)

So do I but Kreator is the important one...Heh, I'm sorry I dislike your band, but c'mon man. You know every good Thrash band is built around riffwork crafted to rip ones head off. :cool: You had it going well on Cleansed By Flames for awhile, build upon it dude!
We are building upon it, the album will kick ass. I like honest reviews better than nice ones (but of course I like both best [insert fitting smiley here]) and I can take some criticism, so it's all good.

SITE NOTE: Nifelheim kick ass, don't you dare say anything else.

Try Oppression (, Corrupted ( and The Law (I don't think they have a website yet) for more new Swedish thrash.
Sorath said:
SITE NOTE: Nifelheim kick ass, don't you dare say anything else.

Hey, just like your band, I didn't say they were terrible, just...meh. :p I'll give your full-length album a listen though.
We'll release a 7" with songs from the demo quite soon, I suppose you won't be getting that one... The full-length will hopefully be complete by the end of this year or early next year.