Drummer Wanted

Jan 4, 2004
I'm looking for a drummer in the Atlanta area that is ready to commit to a serious power metal band. Without providing too many details, I will say that this is a band that involves many well known musicians and we already have our debut set to release early 2005. If you think you have got what it takes (touring, dedication, time, creative energy), then send me an e-mail @ jonah4metal@hotmail.com

pyramazekeyboardist said:
I'm looking for a drummer in the Atlanta area that is ready to commit to a serious power metal band. Without providing too many details, I will say that this is a band that involves many well known musicians and we already have our debut set to release early 2005. If you think you have got what it takes (touring, dedication, time, creative energy), then send me an e-mail @ jonah4metal@hotmail.com


By the way, this is not, and has nothing to do with Pyramaze.
Truly talented drummers in Atlanta are rare as shit. Good luck! They're rare enough that they never lack for gigs, it seems....and scarcely a week goes by without some Atlanta band dropping by the studio during WREKage to beg for a drummer. :(
If only I lived in Atlanta! Seeing as Im a drummer and LOVE prog/power Metal, sounds like something I would most likely dig. Hows the job market out there? LOL