James FOGarty

New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2004
Hello people !...

The next installment from Ewigkeit has been completely written and pre-produced and it is currently being dealt with as to who will produce this piece of work... :Spin:

I am very pleased with result so far and totally knackered due to the amount of work that went into it. o_O

More details will soon follow!... :hotjump:


Remember - you can keep up with whats what at www.deathtomusic.com / www.ewigkeit.co.uk
Cool James :cool:

I have been trying to work out how I can get a copy of your Land Of Fog CD. It looks like the only way is to send USD to Metal Age Productions in Slovakia? :Spin:

Best of luck with the new album. :hotjump: I love Radio Ixtlan!
Hey - I have some of those myself.

You can wire me a payment via Western Union, then email me the details.

Funnily enough me and the live band were pondering re-recording some of the more memorable tracks from that album... ...perhaps they may appear as bonus tracks on something - or perhaps even a limited edition EP ? Who knows right now - so f**kin busy with stuff at the moment. :yell:

BTW - mixing on the album should start next week. Expect the un-expected... :D

Mixing of the album is all going well. It is now out of my hands and being dealt with a well known and respected producer of many great bands as I type this. So far it is sounding monumental! :OMG:

I'm sure Earache will anounce something regarding all of this shortly.

Also, the cover art is now done. Conceptualised in my conspiracy-filled mind, this has now been created by Mick Usher :worship: (www.mickusher.com) who had previously designed the inlay to the last album (all the digital bits). In my opinion, it is the most epic album cover in metal since "Powerslave" - but then I am biased :)

I hope you get to check it out!

The Ewigkeit website is currently undergoing a total rebuild :cry: , will try to get it up and running in the next 2 weeks...