First finished mix in a while.


Sep 7, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Hello hello,

This is the song Hands of Despair - Athena Will Sing that was posted in the "songs for mixing practice" thread. It's the first mix I've done in a while, since my computer hard drive crashed and had to reinstall everything. Every mix I was working on before was my band's stuff and I was pretty much updating the mixes every time I learned something new, so it was starting to get messy structure-wise. This is the first song I've done where I had all the tracks recorded to start with and only had to mix.

Anyways, guitars are Onqel's plugin going into LeCab. I gave up mic'ing my Mesa, and this is the first time I've gotten a decent heavy guitar tone. Bass is DI half and half with Ampeg SVX, drums are Behindert's kit.

Any comments are GREATLY appreciated! of Despair.mp3

Updated mix: of Despair2.mp3
Sounds pretty good man- very Amon Amarth.

Main thing is that the snare kind of sitting on top of the mix while the guitars seem kind of buried to me. Bass also could use some more processing to smooth it out a bit.

My suggestions would be to plate verb the snare to push it back a bit. Maybe add some high shelving EQ to the guitars. I know a lot of dudes use the DI/amp blend on bass guitars but I've always found I get better results just using the ampsims on their own. You can always split that track up and EQ/gain one for the lows and one for the grit. Basically just HP one and crank the gain to smooth out the rattle, then LP the other and boost and compress the lows with minimal gain to fill and tighten up the bottom.

Otherwise good work!