How much do you write music?


Anssi Tenhunen
I was just thinking how much music I've made and I just realized if also counting in all the riffs and stuff that I've saved for later, I've written about ~40 songs in the past 3 years, so that averages about 12-13 songs per year. So basically if I would just want, I could release an album every year. But yeah, most of you guys probably use like as many riffs to one song that I would use for a whole album... :zombie: What about you guys? How much do you guys write?
This is gonna seem like a ridiculous amount probably, but hopefully not. I have written probably around 200 or more in the past 2 1/2 to 3 years.
Yeah, along with tim. I'm also super human and can write 20 songs a day.

Nah, only joking, I'm normal... Been working on some of my stuff over the past 6 months and probably have written around 10 tracks.
Depends on the context.
Metal? If we are pushing for the bigger metal market, we can pump out a couple songs a day. More original can take a 1 or 2. Just depends on the band we are writing for.
Pop? 4-7 days for a top 40 song
timislegend said:
one song per day... and if it's the weekend, two songs per day.

+1 I have a massive library of guitar pros on my computer. All sorts of genres, guitar drums bass and all. I'll never have time to record em all but hey it's great practice
I even have sold a few to local bands who didn't understand theory. :D
Depends on the context.
Metal? If we are pushing for the bigger metal market, we can pump out a couple songs a day. More original can take a 1 or 2. Just depends on the band we are writing for.
Pop? 4-7 days for a top 40 song

you write songs for pop artists? :yow:
yeah, but how many of that stuff is "hit" material. And WTF are you talking about guys, wasn't there a saying, QUALITY before QUANTITY? :)
wasn't there a saying, QUALITY before QUANTITY? :)

Yup, but there is also a saying quality requires and comes with quantity. Elvis for example has a reason why he is/was the second most sold artist od all time: pretty much toured, acted and recorded non-stop. He released 23 albums, 30 EP's, 111 singles and 18 movie soundstracks and was in 33 movies in 24 years (1954-1978) and in the last years of his life he played ~200-300 gigs a year at Las Vegas (like for example Celine Dion is doing right now), but STILL regular people usually know only about 10-20 Elvis songs on top of their head when they have to list them, unless they are total fanatics of the King. Sometimes you get a hit, sometimes you get a miss.
ahjteam said:
Yup, but there is also a saying quality requires and comes with quantity. Elvis for example has a reason why he is/was the second most sold artist od all time: pretty much toured, acted and recorded non-stop. He released 23 albums, 30 EP's, 111 singles and 18 movie soundstracks and was in 33 movies in 24 years (1954-1978) and in the last years of his life he played ~200-300 gigs a year at Las Vegas (like for example Celine Dion is doing right now), but STILL regular people usually know only about 10-20 Elvis songs on top of their head when they have to list them, unless they are total fanatics of the King. Sometimes you get a hit, sometimes you get a miss.

Practice makes perfect also :D