Laethora – March Of The Parasite


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Laethora – March Of The Parasite
Osmose Productions – Opcd 193 – 784 - 1026
By Chris Kee


With Dark Tranquillity’s Niklas Sundin in their ranks you might be forgiven for expecting Laethora’s debut to be overflowing with melodic guitar work and progressive twists and turns, however March Of The Parasite is first and foremost hard hitting, intense death metal. There’s the odd, fleeting moment that hints at Dark Tranquillity but in general this is a much more brutal, much more direct affair.

An excellent harsh, caustic vocal performance from Jonatan Nordenstam keeps that savage edge to some strong, accomplished and well written songs that assault the senses and leave behind an indelible mark, lodging themselves quickly into the memory banks. ’Clothing For The Dead’ is a prime example of this top notch song writing, ’Impostors’ another, while ’Black Void Remembrance’ exhibits a grindcore feel in its fiery, eclectic nature. Throughout its length March Of The Parasite is lively, jarring, creative and fresh, blending traditional values with an adventurous approach. It blasts hard when it wants to but always has a lot to offer and never becomes stale. This is a very enjoyable album which should hold some appeal for a wide cross section of extreme metal fans.

Official Laethora Website
Official Osmose website