LAVALLE: Dear Sanity, feat EVIDENCE ONE and EDEN'S CURSE members


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
From :

News from Kivel Records: 2013 has arrived with the holidays and all their crazy insanity behind us. What better way to embrace the madness than a Dear John Letter to the past. NO.....a DEAR SANITY letter! The new band LaValle will debut their new CD , Dear Sanity March 2013 on Kivel Records.

LaValle featuring Carsten Schulz (Evidence One), Paul Logue (Edens Curse), Ramy Ali (Evidence One), and guitarist Eddie LaValle deliver an old school sound with an updated PUNCH!

Pulling from such a pool of talent, this band delivers for fans of "Tooth and Nail" era Dokken, mixed with a blend of Bratta and Lynch influenced guitar playing piled on top of a mountain sized wall of HUGE choruses. This is an album that will satisfy fans of the genre of old, while gaining fans of new.

We also want to take the time to unveil our latest album art for this release. Created by none other than graphic designer master Thomas Ewerhard (Tango Down, Shakra, Edens Curse, Edguy, Masterplan). So without further adieux here it is.....LaValle "Dear Sanity" . To add to this news, we wanted to add something a little different to the typical press release. Now, everyone knows how serious we take the visual aspect of our releases, as serious as we take the actual music itself. We have over the years been asked multiple times, what goes into creating one of our album covers? So here you go folks...a glimpse at a typical cover shoot for one of our releases featuring renowned photographer Kent Miller of Kent Miller Studios. Dear Sanity begins Pre Sale orders 1/14/13.

Behind The Scenes of Dear Sanity and the new CD Artwork:


"Fading Like The Sun"

More info about LaValle here.
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Gotta admit, the song I didn't care for much, but I liked the behind the scenes on the album art. I'd like to see more of that stuff. That's a side of the industry many of us don't see. I like to see the "layers" of art as they come together. Cool post.