Leaves' Eyes - Meredead

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Disappointing. The production is there, the atmosphere is there, the voice is there, the mood is there but most importantly the songs are flat out boring and plodding. The best song is To France and it's a cover. Don't get me wrong if you like lots of atmosphere and authentic folk mood with those angelic Liv vocals then you'll probably love this but the lack of actual memorable songs is a big drawback for me. New Within Temptation nails if over LE badly in that dept IMO of course.
Straight from LE:
Does anyone recognize the crowd around 4:40?? :)

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I couldn't agree more, I REALLY wanted to like this album, but most of it sounds like the soundtrack to some epic folk tale movie. Just background to the real action. It does have a couple standout tracks in Spirit's Masquerade and Sigrlinn, but other than those 2 songs, meh. This album sounds like an album of songs that were rejects from Delain, Within Temtation and Nemesea.

Funny side note is I received this album the same day I received Liv's sisters band Midnattsol new album The Metamorphosis Melody. In fact they could have released both albums as one double album and I wouldn't have noticed. They sound EXACTLY the same.
I found me on that video. Cool.

Still haven't heard any of the new Leaves' Eyes. I probably will check it out, but this isn't the only source I've heard underwhelmed opinions from.