Mega is up


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
So Apparently Mega by Kim DotCom is officially launched.

I don't know what to think about it yet. In a way, I want to puke at the fact the FBI came in New Zealand to turn a website down in the absolute illegality, with no court hearing, nothing. I still don't understand how this can happen and no one does nothing against it. Well actually, Kim won against USA in several courts around the globe on the fact this kind of intervention is absolutely illegal in the first place, but it has - of course - yet to happen in a US court as it is obvious the US government is behind everything. In a world where internet is becoming more and more controlled, where internet providers are talking about (paid) bundles which would allow you to go to specific websites only if you paid for them in your monthly fee, it's good to know someone is fighting efficiently so that internet stays unowned and without territory.

On the other hand, even after watching a part of his launching ceremony and absolutely agreeing on everything he says in substance about freedom of internet and privacy, I can't help but really think Mega is pure hypocrisy and just a way to monetize again on illegal file hosting while keeping them safe legally. You can already download music on Mega, use 3rd party search engines, links on warez sites etc.

Normally, you can use it as an encrypted dropbox for a very competitive price but will that be the actual main way to use it, as opposed to illegal file sharing ? I would actually consider using Mega if it is actually a good way to host my content on a cloud. Also, I believe I understood their system in the long term will provide a whole bundle of encryption for your mail app, browser, etc. I think it's fair to assume this part of their service would be legit and they will try to make it the best possible, just for the fact they have been turned down by those who want to spy the world and I'm pretty sure they are keen on fucking the FBI in the ass after what they did to MegaUpload.

You have to know data is encrypted, but your own information is not, that's the way Mega is legally protected : they have no access to your data (officially at least) so they cannot be put responsible for what you do. But in case one founds out you are using Mega illegally, your personal data is available and Mega will help legal actions. A thing that bother some people is that at the end of the day, Kim DotCom started his career by selling databases of credit card numbers... Not that the past is the proof of anything about a man today, but still, I understand them.

From what I got, the legal contents on Mega will be paid for by users by installing a mandatory plugin/software which replaces any ad by Mega approved ads, so the content is available for free with the insurance for Mega partners that their own adverts are seen by the user. Fair enough if artists genuinely get more than they did before, but then, it is gonna be a mess with the rest of the add world I guess.

Your thoughts ?

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That guys clearly got a straw in the honeypot...

I'm with you on this LeSedna, on the one hand, they've gone to extreme lengths to ensure security "of peoples privacy", but then its like you said, its just an illegal file sharing site... Hell I know how easy you can watch tv shows and all sorts from the megavideo days... these guys provided a system that made it so much easier and quicker to find what you were looking for... And all the extra security means that no one goes snooping around other peoples files while they wave the "We don't monitor what our users are doing therefore we have plausable deniability" flag...