Modern Grind Essentials


Feb 22, 2007
Looking to explore the Grind scene deeper, so I'd like to know which bands best represent each sub-genre of Grind. Not looking for influential bands, but the bands that most reflect the current sound of each sub-genre. Keep recommendations to a few bands per sub-genre, no huge lists, and if you want to throw in a few bands that don't represent a particular sub-genre, but that every grind fan should listen to, feel free.
I only really listen to Death/grind kinda stuff but I love:

Nasum - Helvete
Nasum - Shift
Rotten Sound - Murderworks
Rotten Sound - Consume To Contaminate
Deathbound - We Deserve Much Worse
Insect Warfare - World Extermination
Inhume - Chaos Dissection Order
Gadget - The Funeral March