Monitoring problem (Audiophile 2496 and headphones)


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
I have a little problem recording vocals/acoustic guitar and checking my stuff with headphones. The problem is, I have the headphones but nothing to plug them into.

I use Audiophile 2496 and active speakers, and so far this setup has been ok as I have only recorded scratch/guide vocals and acoustic tracks (and really is no problem when recording electric guitar/bass di). Cranking up the monitors is no biggie when recording vocals but it is really annoying when trying to record the acoustic as I really need to turn them up.

So what I'm looking for is somekind of headphone amp, I guess, and some way to connect it with the Audiophile and being able to switch between headphones and speakers with ease.

Any suggestions how to go with this? I have no idea what to look for... :B