New Deathspell Omega Split Announced

exactly. I wasn't expecting this to top Fas, as you've said SMRC/Fas top each of their splits imo. But I really like the direction they decided to take with this album. A bit less dissonance, more structure, more variety on the vocals, and just out-of-this-world riffage. I couldn't have asked for more.
^ Sums it up perfectly. It's an amazing blend of the less abrasive smrc period and more atonal fas material. I love it, it's perfect. The improved vocals are one of the things I like the most about this split, adds so much to the material.
Finally! I got my password! I have been reading this thread all week like a creeper as i have been obsessing over finding a leak of this song as i try to live through finals week at school.

I agree totally with all you chaps, and I must say that DSO really never fails to impress.
I'm glad a good majority of the lyrics have somewhat of a pattern, rather than just seeming like an afterthought (I got this feeling on SMRC a lot, as if a lot of the vocals were a spoken word track thrown over the music)
Well after lotsa listens, i'd say Fas is slightlybetter than this split, in my opinion. But I like the chaotic atonal dissonent nature of fas. But I've noticed how they've improved their flow and song structure with this split, and I like the come back of SMRC style melodic stuff. And man this song has such a great climatic finish. Especially the horns and the lyrics. But it's still early days yet with this split!
i have to admit, i rather enjoy the lyrics on this one. it's kind of a big fuck you to all the dumbasses who think DsO is all about satan worship.