Nicole, on the Hudson, with Crystal

Moving along I guess. My PT sessions ran out a few weeks ago so I don't know how much of a bend I've got in the knee. Last I was measured I was at 111 degrees and I know I'm past that. Still need to develop my quad muscles. Doing the home exercises but its not as intense as being supervised.

So at the moment I stumble along without a cane. I see the surgeon on Tuesday so we'll see what his assessment is of my progress. I might have to join a gym or go back to PT - the machines seem to really push me more than a rubber band at home can. I get discouraged frequently but then I remember that this is a one year rehab and I'm only 4 months into it. I have ProgPower coming up in September so I hope that I'm much more advanced by then - otherwise it will be hell all over again.
I've noticed that your english vocabulary descriptions are back, so I guess you were feeling better.
but you're right; not having that weight youre bending with makes all the difference.
are you walking each day?
prephaps an ankle weight on that leg might help.....................
but please don't give up, and slide back.
starting over from scratch is no fun

scar tissue breaking off yet?

oops, I may have spoiled the surprise!

good weekend, sir

Hi Ken,

I mentioned to you awhile back in an email that I had a knee replacement. I have been doing Cybex at our local "Y". The machines for the legs have increased my strength in the quads more than I expected. It's a great workout. I'm only able to do it twice a week. Hopefully in a couple months I can do three times a week. I have good and bad days so I know how you feel. The knee talks to me when those good old midwest thunderstorms pass through. I was told it takes about a year for full recovery. Hang in there!!