Oh metal, how original you are.

You don't have to tell me anything about Manowar I don't already know.
A friend of my brother's is one of their crew members.

I have seen a little in person, heard a lot.

Either way, it's the music that matters most.
MANOWAR live is amazing.
They give 110%, regardless if they are playing a club to 200 people or to 200,000 people in a festival setting.

I've always wanted to see them live, but I doubt they ever play in the US again. You nailed it on the head though Jason. I've always been irritated by people that can't separate art from the person or group. Hmm...I suppose putting art with Manowar is stretching it but you get the idea. If I enjoy the music, no matter if the musicans are a bunch of douches, it's not gonna stop me from listening to their music.
I've always wanted to see them live, but I doubt they ever play in the US again. You nailed it on the head though Jason. I've always been irritated by people that can't separate art from the person or group. Hmm...I suppose putting art with Manowar is stretching it but you get the idea. If I enjoy the music, no matter if the musicans are a bunch of douches, it's not gonna stop me from listening to their music.

This is the reason why I have no interest in meeting bands I like.
I have met hundreds of bands over the years (all of varying degrees of popularity). Some of the biggest names in the game were VERY cool (IE - Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, believe it or not), as others were complete a-holes (not going there, so don't ask).

I for one have never met Lemmy. I have been a Motorhead fan since the mid-80s. It would KILL me if I met Lemmy and found him to be a a-hole in person.

Now everyone has their off days, so even one bad interaction shouldn't equate in totality the overall demeanor of the person, though it is that ONE interaction that will stay with you in your mind, ya know?

It's the music that matters and what makes me interested in these people / bands in the first place.
This is the reason why I have no interest in meeting bands I like.
I have met hundreds of bands over the years (all of varying degrees of popularity). Some of the biggest names in the game were VERY cool (IE - Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, believe it or not), as others were complete a-holes (not going there, so don't ask).

I for one have never met Lemmy. I have been a Motorhead fan since the mid-80s. It would KILL me if I met Lemmy and found him to be a a-hole in person.

Now everyone has their off days, so even one bad interaction shouldn't equate in totality the overall demeanor of the person, though it is that ONE interaction that will stay with you in your mind, ya know?

It's the music that matters and what makes me interested in these people / bands in the first place.

I highly doubt Lemmy's an ass. He seems like a pretty laid back guy. He's just honest. At the Motorhead show I saw at the HOB restaurant but I didn't want to be like the typical asshole fan and go up to the guy while eating. I did meet Mikkey Dee though and he was a really cool guy I must admit. The actual nicest musiciian I've met though has to be Jordan Ruddess of Dream Theater though. Complete cool guy and willing to just have an actual conversation with every fan there.
I met Mikkey Dee many years ago when he was still in King Diamond.
Yeah, great dude, as was King and the rest of the boys.

Good call on not going up to Lemmy.
I think there is a time and place for everything.
Many fans say, "Band X are jerks,etc,etc"
Then you find out that these fans hounded the band for autographs when they were busy.

If you see a band member at the bar, yeah, fair game!
Or obviously a meet and greet.

Though I hate when a band gets on stage to set up and tune, and some fans expect them to stop and have a full blown conversation!
Power and prog, that's what I listen to. Why are there no death or thrash mentioned? Because it was my list and as George Carlin once said, "It's my list, so my rules". Btw my library has doubled since I orginally posted, and I might update it only if I ever get as bored as I was that day. Thanks to the 'sort' command in Excel of course. Which explains why Manowar isn't in there. Don't like 'em, so not in my catalogue. Any other questions?
Which explains why Manowar isn't in there. Don't like 'em, so not in my catalogue. Any other questions?

No questions, just a statement: