Power metal band recommendations


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
hi all, i'm looking for some band recommendations.
anyway, i'm looking for a (symphonic)power metal band with most importantly amazing lead vocals and same quality lyrics. theme of the lyrics isnt' specified, but i would like to exlude stuff which some people would regard as cheesy (dragons, wizards, medevilistic stuff etc.)
also, speed isn't a factor, but overall feeling (striking the right note at the right moment) is desireable.

if you want me to be more specific, my favorite band is kamelot, most notably last four albums (karma, epica, the black halo, ghost opera)

thx for the help
Virgin Steele is a quality rec.

The lyric thing is tough man; power metal is a cheesy genre. Check out these bands:

Powerwolf (check out their latest, Bible of the Beast, for awesome symphonic power metal)
Avantasia (Tobias Sammet's side project; awesome symphonic power metal)
early Edguy
Dark Moor
Fairyland/Fantasia (the name sounds really gay, but the music is great)
Crystal Eyes
That new Fairyland album is seriously fucking amazing. I didn't recommend it because I thought the OP would think it's too cheesy; but it has some epic tunes on it.