Riverside out...Knight Area in


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
This is a rather bittersweet post. Unfortunately Riverside has been forced to cancel their appearance at Nearfest '05. Without elaborating too much, the band was having serious problems getting visas. Essentially it looked as though they were not going to be able to get into the US without resorting to enormous expense. I am personally saddened by the situation but hopefully things will change and the band will be able to come here at a later date.

The good news is that Rob LaDuca and Chad Hutchinson, the POWERS THAT BE behind Nearfest, have graciously elected to replace Riverside with Knight Area. We are extremely proud to have them appear and I'm more than certain that they will kick serious prog ass!

So...Nearfest '05 will feature Wobbler and Knight Area. Things are good.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge