Shameless self promotion - new KILLWHITNEYDEAD track posted


Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Sep 12, 2007
Forget what you may have heard about my band before now. It's been 2007 since we released any new music and plenty of things have changed, so here is a preview track from our upcoming new album SUFFER MY WRATH. I am pretty sure some of you guys/gals will get my humor instead of just naming this a "rough mix" hahaha.

We aren't power metal, so there is your warning. ;)

KILLWHITNEYDEAD - Sound The Alarms (Teas'n Pleas'n Mix)
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Hey, I heard of KillwhitneydeaD way before I heard of anything when I first got into metal. You guys are doing something right!!

Saw y'all at Thee Imperial in Jacksonville with Dead Man In Reno a long time ago, if I haven't told you before.

New stuff sounds great, where did you guys record this?
Hey, I heard of KillwhitneydeaD way before I heard of anything when I first got into metal. You guys are doing something right!!

Saw y'all at Thee Imperial in Jacksonville with Dead Man In Reno a long time ago, if I haven't told you before.

New stuff sounds great, where did you guys record this?

Our guitarist, Kyle Odell (Ex-Bloodjinn, VANISHER), is recording it all at his studio in Virginia. He is handling the mix until i get to the samples and then Jamie King will mix and master. It's just easier to do all the final prep at JK's, but the music and everything is all Kyle.

And yeah we had a discussion about Thee Imperial. that was our first tour so that goes back to 2006! hahaha. good times.

We just decided to go balls out on this album (with it being our 6th), plus with Kyle i finally have a writing partner who loves thrash metal as much as i do. The previous members were more into death metal. So this new stuff is a good balance of it all with the obligatory breakdowns here and there. This new album will have very few samples on it. I decided to finally tone it down, plus i am tired of being known for that, but do understand the fans expect it. so i will find a happy medium for everyone.
does Sean sing on any of the songs like previous albums???

actually, yes he does. he actually sings more on this album than any before. he is on three original tunes and then our cover of Alice In Chains "We Die Young" which will be CD bonus track. The new KWD material is much more suited to his style and he said he wanted to be a part of the project so i went overboard and wrote a bunch of stuff for him to sing. it might make us like every other singy/screamy band, but honestly none of those bands have shawn pelata's pipes so i think that again helps us to stand out slightly.

here is some of his vocal recording session. just basic tracking but wait for the high note! hahaha. totally classic shawn.

and for the people who have never heard his original band. good old school AOR!

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Love Shawn and his voice....I own most of the albums he has song on...been buddies for years.