So hello already.

William Shartner

New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2005
Puyallup, WA
I like to discuss metal and metal related topics. And Hardcore (Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold type bands are NOT hardcore people, but you knew that) elements from the beginning before it got corrupted by the system. I like to drink beer, Jack Daniels, and smoke weed, go to shows, play shows, look at pussy, take long walks on the beach and kick puppies...whatever. So hello all.

Welcome to UM william. i like beer but im more of a Guinness kinda person. (dont know how to spell it. never payed attention to tha lable. did i spell it right?) well, l8er

~noryoku says buye~

:headbang: :Shedevil: :kickass:
Zero Dude said:
Welcome to UM william. I also like to drink beer, but me and Jack Daniels don't get along so well anymore. :loco:
ive changed my taste frum Guinness to Jack daniels in tha last couple days and i must say im srry for yu if you tuwo dont agree anymore. youre missin great taste. i just discovered it like the day before yesterday. IT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:headbang:

well, l8er

:Smokin: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokedev: :Smokedev: :puke: :puke: my plans for 2nite in tha order im gonna do them

happy new years and happy drinking!!!!!!!!!
quit buying pot and start buying guitars. Its the best thing youll ever do. plus you cant get cancer from playing guitar. But i guess you cant get carpel tunnel from smoking pot.