Submit your Wacken Requests!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
As some of you might have seen, we have a whole band profile section up on the site now for Wacken Open Air 2003. You might also know that the RC staff going (myself, Markgugs, Erik, ChiefB, and Dark One) have all been granted backstage passes.

So, with that said, I'm curious as to which bands you think might have a few interesting stories to tell! In other words, if we have the chance to do some 'on the spot' interviews, who would you most like us to chase down?!

Tell us who and why. And perhaps some example questions. Of all the bands on the roster, there must be someone you're interested in reading about!

Oh and dragonlady (Junnie), you need to submit something here too for our Japanese readership! Any bands at Wacken this year of particular interest to our Japanese audiences!? :cool:

Ask them anything, including "why do you guys kick so much ass!?!?" :p
Oooh... You mean you expect me to be sober enough to actually be able to have a civilized discussion with anyone AND remember it afterwards? :eek:

He he.
phyre said:
Oooh... You mean you expect me to be sober enough to actually be able to have a civilized discussion with anyone AND remember it afterwards? !:eek:

He he.

Nope. :D

But do pack a handheld voice recorder...I think there was a certain expectation from those who got backstage passes, muwahahaha... :heh:
Heh... Not good! I don't have any handheld recording equipment... But... Uh... I suppose something could be arranged... Possibly... Oh well ;)

NP: Bathory "Ring of Gold" (I'll beat the next person who says Quorthon can't sing)
phyre said:
Heh... Not good! I don't have any handheld recording equipment... But... Uh... I suppose something could be arranged... Possibly... Oh well ;)

Don't bullshit me man. I know you secretly want to interview Dee Snyder (or whatever his name is). :lol:

NP: Bathory "Ring of Gold" (I'll beat the next person who says Quorthon can't sing)

I admit ol' Quorthon improved slightly for Nordland I. On Nordland II (which I assume was recorded at the same time), he was doing ok until "Death and Ressurection of a Northern Son". My took me back to the days of Twillight...:ill:

Anyway, let the beatings commence. :loco:
Ana who? :)

Erik, I don't know if you can hang out with us if you're just going to be drunk all the time. We at Royal Carnage don't condone excessive alcohol consumption at any event, let alone a big public one like Wacken! You'd better behav...Oooh look! A beer!

*runs to fridge*
Hmm, let's see...Testament plays @ 7:45 PM. Semi-sober is your best bet, as the only band I'm sure I'll see sober that day is Dew-Scented @ 11:00 AM. Of course that depends on how many Bloody Marys we suck down at our metal breakfast. :D