Superior Drummer 2.0 Sound Library Path Error


Active Member
Jan 21, 2007
Guys, I need your help. I had to re-install SD because of some hard drive problems but now I have some problems with it. Whenever I try to load SD it says "YOU NEED TO SET THE PATH TO WHERE YOU INSTALLED THE SOUNDS BEFORE YOU CAN USE THEM"!

When I select the folder where I installed the library it says "THIS IS NOT A SOUND LIBRARY".

Anyone here who also use SD or maybe have/had the same problem? I've searched in the SD forums but can't find anything and I also contact the SD support but didn't get a reply. It also seems that a lot of other guys have the same problem but nobody could give me a real answer. Some re-installed their XP with SP3 and then it worked but this is the last thing I would do.

Edit: Maybe some more informations...

I have Windows 7 installed, tried to re-install it 3 times, also tried to copy the sound path into my steinberg folder. Here's a pic where you can see my problem.


I have the same problems, i run cubase 5 on xp pro pc. I installed sp 3 over my sp2 and reinstalled SD 2 but still same error. have you had any luck since?
Don't bother looking at the first post, it's a month old and it looks like he's using a cracked FL Studio.

I think it's a valid question to ask from the second poster; is your copy legit? Contacting Toontrack would be your best bet, as Ronnie said, at any rate.
I have had the same problem on my XP machine (I have XP and 7 on the same HDD, and registered both of them). When I went to add the library on 7 it worked, on XP, an error comes up saying, that the file(s) selected are not library files, doesn't matter if you select the folder, a single file or select all files.

I should really contact toontrack as some of the metal foundry libraries are not working, and all the ambiance mics except one don't work at all. I had trouble getting installing TMF libraries and actually had to download them from another computer and transfer them and still some don't work.