Thanks Pabla and Steve


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
My deepest gratitude to our beloved moderator not only for being a true friend and part of the family in the last house on the right :lol: in Atlanta, but also for giving me two great treasures: a signed copy by Steve of "Dark Hallucinations" and the chance to speak directly with him on the phone.

As a fan I always get thrilled, when the idols we bang our head to have the time to relate directly to myself. I recall that just as I bought my original copy of DH, I was looking for the back catalogue of the band and I wrote to their old website for info...just to get an answer directly from Steve about where to find the records. I thought (and still do) that the fact that a member of the band takes the time to answer you directly (and not some manager or so) speaks a lot about how cool they are, and how much a fan can feel the true essence of the person.

All these years after through letters or posts and finally I got a chance to talk directly to Steve. I was so frozen I could barely say anything intelligent, my apologies :oops: (Pabla really caught me unarmed :p).

Thank you both for being who you are :worship:
P.S. And I want a new album! :headbang:
You are quite welcome my friend! :) My pleasure.

I am nagging Steve for the new album... maybe next I give Vince a call to fire things up :heh: