This should be cool for Circus Maximus/Leverage fans


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
Circus Maximus singer extraordinaire Michael Eriksen and Finnish producer/guitarist Torsti Spoof (Leverage) have decided to join forces together in a new band project under The Magnificent moniker. Other musicians scheduled to appear on the album include Kalle Torniainen of Brother Firetribe on drums and Pekka Lampinen of Leverage on bass.
Songwriting is well underway and sees contributions also from Pekka Heino (Brother Firetribe, Leverage), Tomppa Nikulainen (Brother Firetribe), Tuomas Heikkinen (Leverage) and Sami Hyde and others. Soundwise the album will sound like a cross between the heavier approach of Leverage with the hooks and melodies of Brother Firetribe. The recording will be completed during the winter, with Frontiers looking to release the debut album after the summer 2010.

What I love about Frontiers is that they don't just put out albums by great bands, they actively create new projects out of the artists on their roster. So they get Pink cream 69 working with Michael Kiske, Magnus Karlsson working with Jorn and Russell Allen, and getting together the WET project with Jeff Scott Soto.
Awesome. Thanks for posting. ;)

this is a must have for me. I have a feeling this'll be some top notch AOR