TORBEN SCHMIDT – Long Story Short, with guest FREAK KITCHEN members


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
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What on Earth makes a man release a new solo album twenty-one years after his debut release? It's a very good question, and the answer is simple; an unrelenting passion and love for writing songs.

New album features guest appearances from Freak Kitchen's Mattias 'Ia' Eklundh and Bjorn Fryklund.

Back in what seems like a lifetime ago Danish singer/songwriter Torben Schmidt was the vocalist, songwriter and mastermind behind the successful Danish melodic rock band Skagarack. The band enjoyed a healthy career, including a Grammy win and an appearance at the prestigious Reading Rock festival, but as the Nineties rolled around front man Torben Schmidt put the band on hold to release his critically acclaimed solo debut, 'A Bit On The Side'.

Skagarack recorded one album before the band split.

Torben then concentrated on his production company and record label and worked behind the scenes. States Torben, 'I produced and recorded many great artists, working with music business partners around the world, and it's all been good and fulfilling, since I was never really a sucker for the fame thing anyway... But the one thing that never left me was the passion for writing songs, I just can't help it, there is always a song in the back of my mind.'

And neither have Torben's fans forgotten him. 'Fans and friends have asked me many times over the years, if and when I would release a new album, and I always answered “next year, next year”. 'Well, I have said “next year” so many times that it became embarrassing… So, about three years ago I actually started to record a bunch of my song ideas, and before I knew it I had the eleven songs that are featured on “Long Story Short”. I don't know if these eleven songs are the best of those I have been working on (on/off) over the last three years, but these are the ones I finished first! There is no real concept as such over the album, there's a definite Westcoast/country feel on a lot of the songs, which I really like, but it's not a whole album of that kind of stuff. It feels good to finally have the album completed. Twenty one years isn't that long to wait. Is it?'

The album is out now.

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