Tull's "A" album


Mar 16, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Hey Hippie,
Just thought you'd like to know, Chrysalis records has re-issued the "entire" Jethro Tull catalog re-mastered with bonus tracks, including "A".
I met you at Prog-Power '01 ( and bought you a couple of rounds as well ). I was wearing a Jethro Tull/E.L.P. tour '96 shirt and I remember you telling me that was one of your favorite albums.:)
Hey Steve,
I went to J-Tull.com to find a release date. But I think their releasing the albums a couple at a time. If I'm not mistaken, their up to "Minstral in the gallery", so "A" should logically be in the next set of releases. Hell, I'm pissed 'cause I just started getting all their Cd's before the re-masters came out and now I gotta trade in the old issues to get new ones, and their still fucking new!!! Anyway, I'll keep ya posted.....We Tull fans gotta stick together, ya know. Back to the Raider game now....Peace.
