Vote for your favourite album of 2008 on SoT

that whole list blows. where is esoteric, darkspace, coldworld, leviathan, or the myriad of other bands who had releases in 2008 that are better than every single one on that list?

just looking on my ipod alone I have ~45 albums from 2008 that rape the shit out of the ones on that list.
What the fuck is "The Pineapple Thief"? It looks like a link to the same poll ended up on their forums and slanted it, kinda like how Opeth will shoot up to number 1 now since you posted it here.

I voted for Meshuggah obviously.

edit: And I would suggest you post this on the Meshuggah forum too so they can actually participate for 1st place (else you're kinda just deciding who wins by creating a poll and posting a link to it on whatever band's forums), but they may not be as welcoming to self-advertisement website pimping as we are.
I honestly believe "The Way of All Flesh" by Gojira is 2008's best album to me (watershed is still amazing, dont trip) but unfortunately it's not up there for some reason