What kind of vocal style and lyrical themes would you put here?


Anssi Tenhunen
I tried this on the Sneap forum once, but since all the threads in the rate my mix -subforum gets pushed by like every ~9 hours to the second page, I didn't get any feedback, so I'll try this here too. Also I think because my stuff isn't super tightly played, the guitars are slightly out of tune from time to time and I am not doing djent/metalcore/"the stuff that is hip now", but music that I would like to play and listen to myself also didn't encourage people to comment. But the thing is that I try to make music that I like, and most of the music I like does not have flawless performances, that makes the modern metal music a bit boring IMHO.

Backstory: I have like about 3-4 albums worth of instrumental demo material/ideas written and recorded (my dropbox said 52!), but I've only put little under 20ish songs online (one of the newer idea clips I have is this). I've been calling it "powerpopmetal" because I'm an idiot who likes to play around with words ;) It's kinda like 8-bit NES + grunge + metal + pop elements.

I try to keep this as a entirely solo project, but I have a major problem: I don't sing. At least not yet. I was thinking of going to singing lessons and sing the vocals myself, but since I am not a singer even on hobby level, I haven't written lyrics almost ever, so I need your help.

Here is a playlist of the songs I have on soundcloud (click on the text link below the soundcloud player to get to the playlist)


THE QUEST: Think you are a producer. I would like you to listen at least the first song, "Late Night Mystery" (but more the merrier), and say what kind of vocal style and lyrical theme would you put in those songs? Also general feedback from the songs is welcome. (The final versions will be re-recorded most likely as a band, because I want a real drummer and a real bass player on the record, as they will most likely do a lot better job than I ever will)
Definitely processed-ish clean vocals (well, I'm just a clean over dirty fan) should take the main focus here, but screams can also have a position. I imagine vocals like I See Stars, but less processed on the vocals, and more pop-punky melodies. If that makes any sense.

Why not make the lyrics about video games? You don't have to be name dropping Megaman bosses, but if you write it about certain plot events or the sort of a video game, you could make some really cool lyrics, and by not directly referencing names, it won't be super cheesy.

Reminds me of a band I know, All Systems Go, who combined pop-punk with video game influences.
Defiantly clean vocals.

To me the song you've attached (havn't checked out the others) sounds kind of like a flag ship song. Like, sounds anthem-y. I can imagine gang shouts ("hey!"s) but thats just me!