Zero Hour Back from Headway and dates in Iceland!!


Dec 7, 2002
ZERO HOUR back from Holland and Iceland.

Well all I can say is we had an amazing time out in Holland in Iceland. There's nothing better than playing the music you love with some amazingly talented acts and having a bunch of laughs with old and new friends. Our very first time out to Europe was such a great experience and is hard to beat but I might have to say this trip (Being our 4th time out to Europe) was the best one yet.

The first 3 dates we ever played in Europe was The Netherlands and has been a special place for us since the beginning. We have a bunch of friends in Holland who come out to support us and enjoy the music we play. It's easy to say we love Holland and love the Headway Festival for many reasons. The people of P60 are amazing and I want to thank Onno,Freek, Marieke and all the staff at Headway for all their hard work they put fourth towards all the bands and especially the fans of the genre.
Obsidian started out the night and they are a very good band out of Holland. To-Mera who put on an awesome performance and just great people.......Tom, Lee and the rest of the gang YOU RULE! Sun Caged always puts on an awesome show and it was great to talk to Marcel and Paul and catch up with what's going on with the group. The crowd was amazing and want to thank everyone who screamed, sang the songs along with Chris and for supporting Zero Hour with buying some merch. YOU ALL RULE!!! We have made so many friends in Holland and you all know who you are and just want to thank you for always being so great to us. Its always like a big family reunion for us and can't wait to see you all and chat it up again next year.

I want to give a huge thank you to our official booker of Iceland Thorsteinn. I've known Thorsteinn since 2001 and is just a really cool kat. He has been trying to get Zero Hour over to Iceland for about five years now I would have to say. Him and his wonderful girlfriend were just amazing to us and made our experience in Iceland something we will cherish forever. The first show we played was at the Grand Rokk and when we arrived at the Grand Rokk all of the bands were very kind to us and it was a good vibe. First band of the night was Hostile, they did a great job getting the crowd going with some heavy goods and the singer was a really cool kat. Perla was the next act and has a great melodic sound to them. Both of the guitar players were very good in this band and one of the kats is only 19 years old and he's already a fantastic player. Both of the guitar players were extremely nice and I enjoyed talking to them and the crowd really enjoyed them. The next band was Helshare and I have to say these kats were my personal favorite. The crowd went absolutely crazy for these guys and the sound was freaking huge (they play mesa boogie too which is awesome). These guys are the coolest kats and I want to thank Sigurgrimur ( YOU RULE BRO), Gunni (Yes Gunni is a beast behind the kit!) Dolli my shred brutha who is just bad ass(mesa boogie brutha for life). And there's a reason why this guy names comes up last.........Atli is the bass player for Helshare and is that one kat you love about metal. You could tell Atli lives and breathes metal in the purest way and the kat just RULES on all the above. Want to thank all these great bands for playing the show with us and because of you kats we played to a great audience (it was awesome to hang out with the Helshare guys afterwards too).

The show on April 11th was an all ages event and again it was just a kick ass show. The first band I forgot their name and I do apologize but they were a very good band and wish them much success. The next band was "Ask the Slave" and these guys were just fantastic. The singer had a Mike Patton sorta vibe to him and just dug what he does onstage. The whole band was tight and very enjoyable (they would do great in the Bay Area). Now the next band was "Severed Crotch" and what was crazy is that I was told the singer of this band is the younger brother of the singer of Ask the Slaves. These guys were great and destroyed. I really enjoyed their set. Kick ass Death Metal and the drummer was wailing. I want to say the kids in Iceland RULE cause they were head- banging, screaming and we just appreciated their response towards Zero Hour, it was a great way to end our shows in Iceland.

We were lucky enough to get some sightseeing in Iceland. Thorsteinn took us to so many awesome places and if you've never been to Iceland you should take the time and go. Its a very beautiful country with so much to see. On our last day, Thorsteinn took us to the Blue Lagoon and man I could have stayed there all day. Just amazing and just the best way to end our trip. All this and as we departed it was crazy to see Bjork was on the same plane (Troy and I were freaking out). All I can is we will be coming back to Holland and Iceland next year and just looking so forward to it.

If anybody has Ask the Slaves link please add it for us. Thank you.
Have a great weekend everyone and we send you the METAL SIGN!

P.S. We are out of long sleeve Zero Hour shirts and our new shirts featuring the cover and back cover of Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond we only have XL and XXL at the moment. We'll be making a few more for next couple of shows. Thank you so much.

The Grand Rokk pictures were taken by Gunnar Viglundsson.

The pictures from The Cave with the date on them were taken by Thorsteinn's girlfriend. Her name is Hallfridur G. Beck (her myspace link is,

You can check out our photos here:
Excellent recap of the ZH journey. Sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there.

To some of the coolest and talented people in the industry I know, Mike, Chris, Troy and Jasun, you guys rule. See ya out on the road soon.


YOU RULE MIKE and thank you so much bro.

BTW. I heard Sleepy Time just KILLED it the 2nd night and I'm a big fan. They had an awesome line-up on the 2nd day and would have been there if we didn't have the show at Iceland.

