My personal thoughts on the Kamelot situation


If you ask me, there's a very good reason why Kamelot isn't saying that Khan is officially out of the band. It's all about marketing. Imagine that you're in a band that travels around the world and that each album brings you more success. Imagine that this band's success allows yourself and your fellow musicians to work as musicians full-time. Imagine that this income is how you keep a roof over your family's head and food on the table. Now imagine that your singer, who is also the focal point of the band, finishes his recordings for your new album. Then, after you book a month-long U.S. tour to promote the album around the time it hits stores, that singer waits until crunch time to decide he's burned out and doesn't want to do the tour. Considering the amount of money that would be lost on having to cancel a tour so soon before it happens, that would most likely cause a serious rift in a band, no matter how close the band members are on a personal level.

At this point, being the compassionate man that you are, you decide to give your singer some time off to deal with his personal issues while you scramble to make this tour work with another singer. Then you start to see a backlash from your fans online when you make the announcement of a temporary replacement. Immediately, you second guess yourself about the tour and pull the plug on it, much to your own chagrin and that of the opening bands who had also invested money and time into it.

After making this painful decision, you have a chat with your singer and ask him how much time he needs to himself. You throw out a suggestion to him: "Do you think you can tour again in a year? Though I'm concerned for your well-being, we have a show to run, and the fans can get restless if we don't give them that show. You must realize how hard we've worked to reach this level of success, and though we're not exactly the Rolling Stones, we're at a point now where this music keeps us financially stable. A year is a pretty long time to wait to promote an album that's available to the public, but I'll wait that long if it means you'll work with us." His response: "I can't commit to that." What do you do?

If you ask me, Youngblood's taking the approach that my band took before I replaced the singer. Knowing that you have a new album available for public consumption and that you have shows to line up to promote the album, you make arrangements with a temporary replacement to perform the shows while you secretly send out feelers to singers you know to see if they would be interested in trying out for the band. Telling your fans that the singer they've been hearing for years is out of the band immediately after releasing an album featuring that singer is bad for sales. If you wait a few months and give the album a little time to sell, then you can hit the fans with the bad news. That way, you still managed to squeeze some sales out of the fans while getting some feedback from singers you already know. From there, you can decide whether to audition the singers who have had time to prepare or make it an open audition. This doesn't mean that all of your fans are going to stick with you, but it gives them time to warm up to the idea of hearing the band they love with a different voice. In my case, hopefully all 20 Katagory V fans will stick around. We can't afford to lose sales!

Stay metal. Never rust.
I made an account here ages ago and never posted, but... thank you! Finally a place where people can actually spout criticism on Kamelot and the whole situation around Roy.
This discussion would never happen on the Kamelot-forum. As soon as you have something "bad" to say about the band you're pretty much shot down.
Shot down = people disagreed with you? If you don't want people disagreeing with you, I suggest taking your opinions to a blog instead of a forum. Anyway, I think you'll be very disappointed regardless; this forum has been pretty much the most Kamelot-positive place on the internet (yes, more so than Kamforum) since the North American tour was cancelled. There has been some criticism of Khan in this thread, but Kamelot as a band has been pretty much universally lauded for its professionalism. Just read the first post, it pretty much set the tone.
I made an account here ages ago and never posted, but... thank you! Finally a place where people can actually spout criticism on Kamelot and the whole situation around Roy.
This discussion would never happen on the Kamelot-forum. As soon as you have something "bad" to say about the band you're pretty much shot down.

Great avatar.
^ Don't want Hail of Bullets to hijack this thread, but the new album is sick.

Now back to Kamelot:

I thought Met-Al's post was quite astute as well. If Khan strings along his bandmates too long, he might have to be ousted just so they can continue on. But to replace him will be quite an undertaking...he is for many people (including me) the favorite component of the overall Kamelot sound. They are one of my all time favorite bands, though. I will not abandon them if they do decide to carry on Khanless.
Shot down = people disagreed with you? If you don't want people disagreeing with you, I suggest taking your opinions to a blog instead of a forum. Anyway, I think you'll be very disappointed regardless; this forum has been pretty much the most Kamelot-positive place on the internet (yes, more so than Kamforum) since the North American tour was cancelled. There has been some criticism of Khan in this thread, but Kamelot as a band has been pretty much universally lauded for its professionalism. Just read the first post, it pretty much set the tone.

Shot down was maybe a very poor choice of words. However: a long discussion like this is nearly impossible on the Kamforum, I often get the vibe people are afraid of discussions about Kamelot. If you come there with criticism I find it's often ignored or put aside.

Now maybe I'm completely wrong with that and I'm seeing things wrong. But to me this discussion has much more depth than most Kamelot-related discussions on the Kamforum

*Very late edit*
But then again: a discussion like this isn't even possible there because the opening-post contains more information than Kamelot/the management has given in the last few months.
I got into Kamelot from being intro'd to Conception and Khan's voice..

yep, I'm bummed he's missing from Kamelot but after the ProgPower announcement that he wasn't going to be there, I kinda had a feeling that it was heading this way.. Even more so after listening to the newest CD - his vocals just didn't seem like he was 100% there.. I hope he's found what he was looking for..

That being said, there are 4 other extremely talented musicians in Kamelot and I'm a fan of Kamelot... period
Finally throwing myself into this thread.

I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but I'm hoping they consider their backing man Jake for the position. Maybe they won't because he isn't high-profile but he really impressed at PP. As much as I'll miss Roy, I'd have no qualms about seeing Jake come out of the shadows and take the lead!
Finally throwing myself into this thread.

I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but I'm hoping they consider their backing man Jake for the position. Maybe they won't because he isn't high-profile but he really impressed at PP. As much as I'll miss Roy, I'd have no qualms about seeing Jake come out of the shadows and take the lead!

I couldn't agree with you more... Jake was amazing on Karma...

I'm really looking forward to hearing Amaranthe's stuff...
I couldn't agree with you more... Jake was amazing on Karma...

I'm really looking forward to hearing Amaranthe's stuff...

Amaranthe sounds fantastic. I can't wait 'till the album is actually released. I think Jake would be a killer replacement for Khan. His voice definitely fits Kamelot.
I see some of you guy's suggestions for replacements, and they are all "ball pinchers" meaning the high pitch vocal range. This style doesnt fit Kamelot at all. Im sure there is someone out there that can work with Thomas Youngblood's writing, but i still think this is the end for this band. as anything they do now will not get the support they had before. this really does suck.
Although it just hit me who may have some "star power" and may fit that more Mid range stuff but bring something new to the band. This guy is in a band but they put a disk out about as much as Metallica or Tool, so he would have the time his name is Sir Russel Allen!!!!! think about it Thomas!