Recent content by Axeman

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    John Arch's new MP3

    For anyone that likes John Arch his new MP3 is available for d/l here.
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    is the BALL back???

    Yes! Headbangers BAll!!! I can't wait to see all the nu-metal/warrant/bon jovi/poison 'metal' acts. Way to go MTV, at least you're current on the scene. Corporate America MTV won't show anything worth seeing. It was nice to waste 1 hour of my time just to see another White Dwarf video. I'll...
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    Aerosmith / KISS Summer Tour Announced

    Hmmmm I thought KISS had done a 'farewell' tour.?. Aerosmith. Seen them once back in '88 and think I paid 20 bucks for a ticket. Mind you, I realize that ticket prices have gone up over the years but there is no way in hell KISS and Aerosmith are worth that kind of cash.
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    Queensryche & Dream Theater Co-Headline

    I certainly hope they add some more dates to this show because they aren't playing anywhere within a decent driving distance from me.
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    Brave Words 6-Pack Show

    Not to make this sound like a help wanted ad, but, ah hell, ok, what are your skills/qualifications. I can look around up here for ya.
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    Shameless self-promotion: new interview online

    "I'm a trauma nurse in the ER." Yet another lame-ass stereotype out the window of us metalheads being cracked out uneducated delinquents. See you all in September.
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    Fates Warning Suggestions

    Agreed! 'Awaken..' is definitely the best with John Arch. My favorite with Ray, you already have. Perfect Symmetry. That albumn holds some really great memories in my earlier days so I'm really biased towards it. While I liked No Exit I feel that Ray just didn't have the control like he found on...
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    Queensryche & Dream Theater Co-Headline

    Shit! Thanks for posting this, I would have missed it for sure. These are my 3 favorite bands from year one and I can't believe all three will tour together. While I like Ray Alders voice and I did manage to see them on the No Exit tour, I really, really, want to experience John Arch and the...
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    Did you watch the Mercenary video?

    And that's exactly the reason to go. Don't be confused bro, ProgPower is all about the new music us deprived Americans have been craving. Glenn brings them, we just *have* to go.
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    Music, beer, and...

    It's on the FAQ subsection of the progpowerusa site
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    Music, beer, and...

    *FOOD* Yes! It looks like the kitchen is open this year!
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    If Cleveland gets Helloween..

    Hmm, I'm new to this 'quoting' business so sorry for the whole quote. I do however feel that 'metal' is still mainstream in this country. All the so called 'nu-metal', in my opinion, sucks. It's all just a rehash of what some other band did 2 years earlier. Turn on any radio station and you'll...
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    Hey bossman, any insight as to any merchandise, ie PPIV shirts?:) And for the record, the only band I'm familiar with is Nightwish and Zak's voice ala Savatage but I'm still going just because I heard some great music last year that I was unfamiliar with and for the good times and good people.:rock:
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    ProgPower Bands at

    Good 'zine bro, keep it up! :rock:
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    PP IV: Sell-Out? Fingers crossed...

    Glenn - When you announce the bands, hopefully Wednesday, will tickets become available that day or at a later date? I can't remember how it all worked last year. Personally, I don't really care what the line-up will be. I had too much fun last year not to go this year.