Recent content by DarkGuitarLord

  1. DarkGuitarLord

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Digging this....
  2. DarkGuitarLord


    King Nothing - Metallica Sorry, it's been a while.
  3. DarkGuitarLord

    Best W.A.S.P album!

    The Last Command was my introduction. Has been my favorite since my first listen. Followed closely by WASP.
  4. DarkGuitarLord

    The Band Name Game

  5. DarkGuitarLord

    The new Opeth sounds fucking amazing

    Yes it's Opeth, yes I will buy it, yes I will be disappointed. But it's Opeth...
  6. DarkGuitarLord

    Dio as a hologram

    Clearly this is a money grabbing stint. I'm ok for the one time only thing but to tour off that...Don't worry, I'm sure that Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley have been modeling for their holograms for a long, long time and will pull this out for a tour as well.
  7. DarkGuitarLord

    The Band Name Game

  8. DarkGuitarLord


    Arise Again - Soulfly
  9. DarkGuitarLord

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Revocation - Great Is our Sin This one is catchy.
  10. DarkGuitarLord


    Bullet In The Head - Sodom
  11. DarkGuitarLord


    Blame It On Me - Gus G
  12. DarkGuitarLord


    Bad Child - Annihilator
  13. DarkGuitarLord

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    Still loving this album. Excellent release this year.
  14. DarkGuitarLord


    Bad Blood - Amorphis